Lumami: Nagaland University Students’ Union celebrates Silver Jubilee

2024-05-08 | 06:20h
2024-05-08 | 07:23h

Lumami, 7 May (MTNews): In a jubilant display of unity and achievement, the Nagaland University Students’ Union (NUSU) marked a significant milestone by commemorating its 25th Silver Jubilee celebration on 7 May at I Ihoshe Kinimi Hall, Lumami, under the theme ‘Legacy of Excellence: 25th Year of Triumph’.

Former Chief Minister of Nagaland and former Governor of Odisha, Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Goa, Dr SC Jamir, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Professor Jagadish Patnaik, Vice-Chancellor, Nagaland University, expressed great pleasure and congratulated NUSU on the occasion of its Silver Jubilee celebration. Bringing the analogy of a growing child, he lauded the capacity of youth, which is also growing in energy and potentiality. He expressed great optimism, stating, “Nagaland is moving ahead, as is Nagaland University,” since the narrative is changing with the evolving dimensions of a growing, developed Nagaland.

Former Chief Minister of Nagaland and former Governor of Odisha, Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Goa, Dr SC Jamir, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest.

The Vice-Chancellor exhorted all youth to contribute to the development of the nation, emphasizing India’s tremendous potential in terms of youthful energy. He hoped that with continued effort, students could excel in their lives and bring laurels to Nagaland University and the state.

In his note of achievement, Chubalemba Chang, former President of NUSU(L), UPSC and CSE Rank holder, emphasized Nagaland University’s significant contribution to his education, inclusive learning, and leadership skills, highlighting his two years there as pivotal. He underscored the challenges and sacrifices inherent in his UPSC journey, reflecting on the past five years; lessons in humility and patience, advocating for perseverance and consistency as pathways to success. Furthermore, he urged students to embrace responsibility and actively contribute to the University’s welfare and advancement.

Furthermore, the Chief Guest released the Jubilee Souvenir in the presence of the Vice-Chancellor, DSW, and NUSU officials.

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Earlier, the choir presented the Jubilee song ‘Legacy of Excellence’. Imkongwapang and Himatoli compered the occasion, the welcome address was delivered by Mr Khotai, President NUSU, and the vote of thanks by Kahoshe Sumi, Deputy Registrar.

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