Dear Countrymen,

First of all I am giving thanks to the Almighty God for His constant love, protection and guidance upon the Naga people. Because of His unfailing love and care we could come this far and celebrate this 76 Anniversary of Nagaland Independence Declaration, today. We remember our forebears, senior national leaders and colleagues who sacrificed their lives and their all for the Nation. We pay our deep respect, love and honor to all of them, because of their invaluable sacrifices the right of our Nation is alive. And also I am expressing my gratefulness to the present Naga National leaders and workers for their enduring sacrifice and steadfastly upholding the right of our Nation. May God continue to give them strength and wisdom to overcome the wicked scheme of the adversary.


Dear fellow countrymen, 76 years have passed since the declaration of our Independence on 14th August 1947 by the Naga National Council (NNC). Generations are passing by, but the rights of the Nagas established under the leadership of A. Z. Phizo, Father of the Naga Nation remains afresh in the minds of our people, as the foundations of Naga nation laid by our leaders are irrefutable and secured in the hands of the Almighty God.


On this historic day of our Nation, I call upon every bonafide Naga citizen to rededicate our lives to God and desist from repeating acts of foolishness but be awakened and let the past be the past. Let us give a chance to good deeds for our nation. Time has come for Nagas to speak out in one voice with one purpose. For our task ahead, every single Naga is needed to take part so that no one is left behind.


Whatever may be the agenda of the enemy in applying its notoriety over Nagaland, we remain one family and uphold the same stand ‘URRA UVIE (Our land is ours). We shall not be cowed down by India’s evil designs. We are not demanding anything from anyone, but we are defending our country Nagaland and our rights to be a Nation among Nations.


When we look into this present era, the greed for money has feebled and crippled the Naga people in so many ways. Money has enslaved many Nagas, causing loss of Morality and Sincerity in society. It has degraded the value of ethics of the people. It became true as our great leader A.Z. Phizo foretold years ago that; “Nagas will never surrender in the Battlefield, but many Nagas will fall when Money is shot through the barrel of Gun.” Who can deny this fact? It is happening in our Land. So, my dear countrymen, let us all rededicate our lives to God and seek His guidance by giving loyalty, honesty and sincerity to God.


Let us be very clear about our case with India. India invaded Nagaland. The case of Nagaland is a case of invasion. It is war and not a political issue. Nagas fought against the invader India and defended our country for a long time. However, the war was brought to a halt in 1964 with the signing of the International Ceasefire Agreement between the Federal Government of Nagaland (FGN) and the Government of India (GOI). Accordingly Nagas kept their words and honor the Ceasefire till today. The mandated Naga National Council (NNC) and the Federal Government of Nagaland (FGN) always uphold the policy of non- violence and maintain peace and tranquility with all neighboring people and nations, and shall continue to do the same.


Now, by the grace of God many young Naga people are having different talents and able to do so many things in different fields which is given by the Almighty God. I therefore call upon all the talented young Naga people to come forward and join hands in molding and shaping our Nation, and for which I challenge the youth to contribute your talents to the nation in whatever ways you can and march together for the right cause of our Nation. May our merciful God continue to lead us and bless Nagaland.



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