Older generations, physically impaired persons and children often admire and yearn for the life of youths because young people in that stage of time are vibrant, dynamic, lively, ambitious, adventurous, patriotic and socialistic. The prime life of youths is like the beautiful morning time from sunrise to noon. Youth life is a golden age that every man and woman pass through.
Youth life may be likened to a ‘blank paper.’ Whether consciously or unconsciously, you are writing something good or bad in it. The wise youth inscribes a great name in history whereas the fool imprints a bad name. Life is also like an arrow in your hand. Hitting the target yields reward, but missing the target means losing your chance forever. Don’t miss it. We shall never come this way again.
Youth life should not be viewed from physical dimension only, it should also be viewed from mental dimension. To be a robust youth or an intellectual youth is not enough, every youth must be social and political oriented.
Above all, youth life must be viewed from spiritual dimension. Faith in the omnipotent name of Jesus Christ is the deciding factor in all walks of life. His name is the power-house of life. A person – young or old, man or woman becomes invincible only when he/she connects with that power-house. What we say in his mighty name, it happens.
Many great leaders chosen by the Lord for his works have been youth figures like Joshua, Caleb, David, Gideon, Samson, Samuel, Daniel and others. These anointed individuals are known as Nazirites. Nazirites are those who are wedded to the cause of the Lord and His people. The people of Israel have remained strong and invincible across generations, mainly because of the presence of Nazirites among them.
God is looking for our youths to champion the noble cause of Nagalim for Christ. Our youths are the bulwark of our people and land. Whether we accept it or not, we are born for a divine cause. We have a cause to fight and live for. Enemies of all hues have intruded into our land and home. In time like this, no one is expected to sit on the fence or run away from them on any pretext. As enemies have come to attack us we must defend ourselves with counter offensive strategy. However, relying on human strength alone will not suffice unless accompanied by the Spirit of the Lord. Samson, the Nazirite was strong and invincible so long as the Spirit of the Lord was with him, but he became weak and helpless the moment the Spirit of the Lord departed from him.
Can we imagine of building a sovereign state without Nazirites? We cannot build a church or even a village without Nazirites. Can we outfight numerous enemies without Nazirites? I don’t think so. We need Nazirites in our land. I am fully convinced that with the spirit of Nazirite we can outmanoeuvre and outfight the aggressors. Nazirites have survival instinct and strategy. The Lord says “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit.” Let us pray to the Lord that he raises an army of Nazirites in our country.
The good Lord has given talents to all youths without exception. But talent needs to be sharpened and polished on the anvils of educational institutions and school of life to shape it into a world class. Every department of governments, companies, organizations and institutions look for dynamic, educated and computerized youths because the world today is now highly computerized. It demands of us skilled workers.
People in slavery need Nazirites; oppressed and exploited people need Nazirites; atheists and idolatrous people need Nazirites and immoral and corrupt societies need Nazirites. We cannot dream of bringing peace and progress in our land without Nazirites. We need Nazirites not only today, but also in days to come.
Our society today is corrupt and immoral; it is rampant with drug addicts, drug paddlers, alcoholics, criminals, rebels and traitors. Our society needs revolution, but revolution without Nazirites is a wishful thinking. We need an army of Nazirites to regenerate and rebuild our society. One may be young or strong, one may be wise or educated, one may be rich or in a high social position, but a person bereft of the spirit of Nazirite is nobody in history. A Nazirite is a historical force to be reckoned with. Indeed, our people need Nazirites.
We need an army of Nazirites in our land. We need an army of Nazirites in our political front; We need an army of Nazirites in our military front; we need an army of Nazirites in our economic front. We need an army of Nazirites in all institutions. We need Nazirites because it is they, who move the world; it is they who move mountain; it is they who subdue nature; it is they who can read the sign of time and it is they who can turn the impossible into possible.
Nazirites are born or made by decision to live for a divine cause. They are the people who advocate for a cause, fight for a cause, live for a cause and die for a cause. What Nazirites have done is history because they do nothing but the will of God and His people.
Nazirites don’t build houses, they build home.
Nazirites don’t fight for fame, they fight for a cause; Nazirites don’t build wall, they build bridge;
Nazirites don’t impose their will upon others, they convince others of the truth;
Nazirites don’t seek for material comfort, they seek for spiritual comfort;
Nazirites don’t worry for the desert land, they worry for the desert heart;
Nazirites don’t worry for the poor equipments of the fighters, they worry for the poor spirit of the fighters;
Nazirites don’t have defeated heart, they have winner’s heart; Nazirites don’t run away from problems, they confront problems; Nazirites don’t worship creations, they worship the Creator.
Nazirites put the word of God first, matter next;
Nazirites put the heart first, the head next;
Nazirites put the soul first, the body next;
Nazirites put concept first, revolution next;
Nazirites put idea first, kingdom next;
Nazirites put man first, the state next;
Nazirites put God first, man next.
~ Rh. Raising Member, Collective Leadership, NSCN