In light of the recent incident involving two police personnel reported by this newspaper, the Ao Kaketshir Mungdang (AKM) has strongly condemned the harassment of a minor girl while she was returning from tuition with her sister on the evening of July 25 in Mokokchung Town, and the subsequent altercations with the concerned family.
The AKM expressed sadness and concern over how the law enforcing agents instead of safe-guarding and protecting its citizens are jeopardizing their safety and well-being.
The AKM reiterated that such actions pose a great threat to society and are condemnable in the highest order.
“To ensure faith in the integrity of the law enforcing establishment, there should be accountability and impartial investigation,” it said.
The AKM further urged the concerned authority to take appropriate and necessary disciplinary actions against the personnel involved without bias and according to the law of the land.
RELATED NEWS: Two policemen accused of harassing child in Mokokchung | Family withdraws FIR, opts customary law for settlementAMP