In a shocking incident, Miss Nati Kundang, a Class 9 student from Kejok Village, was allegedly brutally assaulted by Mrs Nungshi Tula, a resident of Mokokchung Town. According to the Chang Wedoshi Setshang (Chang Students’ Conference), Kundang, who served as a domestic helper for Mrs Nungshi Tula and her husband, Ngaku Chollen, was reportedly beaten “black and blue” on 7 June 2024, leaving her severely injured.

Following the incident, the Chang Wedoshi Setshang (CWS) has expressed strong condemnation and profound anguish over the brutal and barbaric treatment in a statement issued today, 14 June.

The CWS further demanded that befitting punishment be awarded to the culprit and appealed to ensure that the harmful, illegal and immoral act be punished without any delay. Further, the CWS urged the authority to deliver justice to the afflicted family and to the student community in general.

Mokokchung Times

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