Mokokchung Town Pastors urged to be united in one spirit, avoid selfish ambitions

2022-10-08 | 06:27h
2022-10-08 | 06:29h

Mokokchung Town Baptist Pastors’ Fellowship (MTBPF) celebrated its Silver Jubilee at Alempang Baptist Church on Friday under the theme “Stronger Together” (Phil 2: 1-2) with Rev. Dr. Mar Pongener, Executive Secretary, ABAM as the speaker.


About 140 delegates including Pastors of 23 Baptist Churches of all tribes and communities in Mokokchung Town attended the celebration.



Rev Dr Mar Pongener, Executive Secretary, ABAM releasing the silver jubilee souvenir of Mokokchung Town Baptist Pastor’s Fellowship on October 7 at Alempang Baptist Church. (MTNews Photo)



Speaking on the theme, Pongener encouraged the pastors and full time church workers to be “united in one spirit” and to avoid “selfish ambitions.”


Pongener said that it pains him to hear “the general public saying that there’s no unity within the church, there’s no unity even among the church workers.”


He encouraged the church workers to appreciate each other, respect each other, to trust each other and to recognize each other’s abilities and capabilities to work together “to experience the complete joy in unity given by God.”


The speaker went on to say, “We must first of all humble ourselves, then only our sheep, the flock that God has given you and me, will be blessed through our ministry.” As full time workers, “we are called to serve God by serving people,” he asserted.


MTBPF was started in the year 1997 with Rev. Bendang, associate pastor of MTBA at that time, as its first president.


The silver jubilee celebration was chaired by Jeeseha, Pastor, Yimkhiung Baptist Church while Rev. Luin, Ex Pastor and founding member of MTBPF exhorted the program. Earlier, Rev Ponen Longchar, Pastor, Mokokchung Town Baptist Church led the necrology in honour of the departed souls while the welcome address was given by Rev W Supong, President, MTBPF.


Other highlights of the program included a special number by Youth Directors and Christian Education Directors of the Mokokchung town Baptist Churches, the release of souvenir by the speaker, the invocation by Sevotso Viro, Pastor, Chakhesang Baptist Church while the benediction was pronounced by Rev. Lima Pastor, DEF.



Mokokchung Times


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