Member of Parliament for Lok Sabha from Nagaland and President of the Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC), S Supongmeren Jamir conducted an extensive tour in Mokokchung district on 19 and 20 June to campaign for Congress candidates in the upcoming Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) elections.

supongmeren jamir mokokchung
The rallies were held in various locations including Mangkolemba, Tuli, and Changtongya on 19 June and Mokokchung town on 20 June where he campaigned for Congress candidates for the ensuing MMC elections in Yimyu, Sangtemla, Majakong, Artang and Marepkong wards where the party is fielding its candidates.

Jamir said that the recent Lok Sabha election result was a “miracle” and expressed gratitude for the people’s wisdom in electing the Congress party to safeguard democracy, equality, and justice.

Given the opportunity to serve the people after more than two decades, he said the Congress party is committed to serving the people with justice and humility in the upcoming ULB elections too. He said the Party will become more humble and deliver its commitment to the people.

To ensure effective governance, he said Congress is sending “model candidates” in the district because the party believes ULBs is the foundation for change and betterment in both the state and the district.

Jamir further said that Congress is fighting the ULB elections on three core agendas which the elected Congress councilors of Municipal or Town will have to initiate.

Youth Empowerment- to create avenues for entrepreneurship and self-employment programs; Sponsorship of 3-5 educated youths annually for coaching classes to prepare for competitive exams at both Central and State levels.

Women’s Self-Help Groups (SHGs): Establishment of SHGs in each ward to empower women.

Welfare Crowd Funding: Implementation of a welfare fund with contributions from councilors and households, aimed at fostering unity and assisting people in distress and emergencies.

Jamir also assured the electorate that these programs would receive his support because inherently as MP, he is a co-opted member of Town and Municipal Councils.

He also criticized the state’s opposition-less government, accusing it of being directionless and claiming that its leaders are more focused on protecting their positions than on helping the people.

He appealed to the electorate to choose upright leaders dedicated to the welfare and development of the state.

He also vowed to bring transformative change, progress, and equality to the people if the Congress is given the mandate in the ULB elections.

During the rally, the Nagaland MP and NPCC President also declared the candidacy of I Temsu Jamir of Sangtemla Ward (Mokokchung), Marwati of Longchara Ward (Changtongya), and Imobendang Lemtor of Ward 2 (Tuli).

Mokokchung Times

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