Naga CSOs in Manipur demand repatriation of Myanmar immigrants and withdrawal of Assam Rifles

2024-06-16 | 07:56h
2024-06-16 | 07:56h

The Naga Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have petitioned the Union Home Minister, seeking urgent intervention on the issue of illegal immigrants and fugitives from Myanmar currently residing in the Kamjong district of Manipur. The representation was conveyed through the Governor of Manipur by a coalition of groups, including the United Naga Council (UNC), Naga Women’s Union (NWU), All Naga Students Association, Manipur (ANSAM), and the Naga People’s Movement for Human Rights – South (NPMHR-S).

The request for repatriation of these individuals to Myanmar follows a series of fact-finding visits conducted by the CSOs to the Indo-Myanmar border areas on May 23rd and 24th, 2024. In the letter addressed to the Union Home Minister, the organisations highlighted the severe impact of the massive influx of Myanmar fugitives, who have sought refuge in Kamjong since November 2023.


The refugees, numbering approximately 5,457, have found temporary shelter in eight Tangkhul Naga villages. This sudden demographic shift, spurred by the political turmoil in Myanmar post the 2021 coup and the subsequent fall of Thanan in the Sagaing region, has placed immense strain on the local resources and disrupted the lives of the native villagers.

The CSOs reported that the local population is facing unbearable hardships due to this influx. The situation has led to a range of issues, including the overwhelming local infrastructure, increased activities of anti-social elements, and the disruption of native customary practices due to the population imbalance. The letter emphasized the inability of law enforcement agencies to effectively manage the rising lawlessness, which has further exacerbated the community’s plight.

Moreover, the CSOs have called for the withdrawal of Assam Rifles from the Indo-Myanmar border areas around Kamjong. The presence of Assam Rifles, according to the organisations, has not effectively addressed the security concerns but rather contributed to the growing unrest among the local population.

The Naga Civil Society Organisations, representing the interests of the Naga people in Manipur, have thus urged immediate action from the central government to mitigate the ongoing crisis.

Mokokchung Times


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