Governor of Nagaland and Chairman of NEZCC, La Ganesan, on 14 June 2024, inaugurated the Bharat Ko Janno Programme at Manan Kendra in Gangtok, Sikkim. During his speech, the Governor praised the North East Zone Cultural Centre under the Ministry of Culture for organizing the event, celebrating India’s rich cultural heritage.

Nagaland governor sikkim
(Photo: Raj Bhavan, Kohima)

The Bharat Janno Programme highlights the nation’s unity in diversity by showcasing varied cultural traditions. Initiatives like Discover India aim to connect border communities through culture, fostering understanding and appreciation of regional uniqueness. The event brought together artists from various Zonal Cultural Centres, each contributing to the vibrant cultural display.

The Governor emphasized that folk art and culture are vital to community identity, encapsulating history, values, and aspirations. He noted that these traditions bridge generational and geographical gaps, fostering a sense of belonging. In an era of rapid modernization, preserving these cultural treasures is crucial.

Events like Bharat Janno provide a platform for artists to showcase their talents, ensuring these traditions thrive and inspire. They also promote unity, mutual respect, and understanding among diverse communities. The Governor commended the dedication of everyone involved in the event, which aims to preserve, promote, and disseminate regional folk art and culture.

The Governor expressed confidence that the Bharat Janno Programme would strengthen cultural ties within the North East region and build bridges with other parts of India. He encouraged everyone to immerse themselves in the rich cultural experience, celebrating the vibrant diversity that defines the nation.

Mokokchung Times

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