Kohima, 23 April (MTNews): A felicitation program for the State Entrepreneur 2023 and State Handicraft Award 2023-24 was held at the Conference Hall, Directorate of Industries & Commerce, Kohima, on Tuesday, 23 April. Commissioner & Secretary, Industries & Commerce, Kekhrievor Kevichusa, expressed his encouragement at witnessing such a variety and creativity among Naga craftsmen from different fields. He urged the awardees and department officials to maintain a good relationship to facilitate the provision of necessary assistance for the benefit of the people.

Congratulating all the winners, Kevichusa assured them that the department’s doors are always open for future information and assistance.
In his keynote address, Director of Industries & Commerce, A Temjen Jamir, highlighted that the award for entrepreneurs was initiated by the department with the administrative approval of the Government of Nagaland in 2022. He emphasized that the State Entrepreneur Award celebrates entrepreneurial excellence, innovation, and outstanding achievements in the entrepreneurial world.
Jamir noted that the award aims to encourage and promote the culture of entrepreneurship by acknowledging entrepreneurial spirit, innovation, and significant accomplishments of individuals and companies. He stated that it also serves as a platform for honoring the remarkable contributions and innovations of entrepreneurs across the state.
The recipients of the State Entrepreneur Award 2023 are:
Peihauding of M/s Ngurie Company from Peren district for his innovative Bio-enhancer, an organic composition that addresses key challenges faced by flower growers and contributes to agricultural sustainability and resilient ecosystems.
Mulungnenla Pongen of M/s ISTI Natural Dimapur for her commitment to crafting herbal skincare solutions using indigenous herbs.
Nengneithem Hengna of M/s Runway India Dimapur for integrating Nagaland indigenous-inspired jewelry into mainstream fashion and promoting tribal art.
The recipients of the State Handicraft Award 2023 are: Vekuvolu Dozo (Textiles Loin Loom); Shirme Ruivavao (Wood Carving); Imtiyala Handicraft (Crocheted Craft); Cenam Wangcha (Handicraft Beadwork); Vikheli H Ayemi (Textiles Loin Loom); Kekuweu Lomi (Textiles Loin Loom); and Imtisenla (Handicraft Jewelry).
Under the One District One Product (ODOP) initiative, 10 chili farmers and 10 farmers cultivating pineapple, coffee, kiwi, plum, avocado, tomatoes, and basmati rice from the districts of Kohima, Chumoukedima, Mokokchung, Mon, Peren, and Phek were given organic certification as per National Program for Organic Production (NPOP) standards.