Kohima, 20 March (MTNews): The Department of Tourism, Government of Nagaland today officially released the Nagaland Tourism Policy 2024, which was approved by the Cabinet earlier this year on 9 February.

Nagaland Tourism Policy 2024 released
The document was released by Minister for Tourism, Higher Education, Temjen Imna Along at a coordination meeting of officers and staff of the Directorate of Tourism. The meeting also discussed strategies for enhance duty and service standards within the tourism sector. The Tourism Policy of 2024 aims to facilitate infrastructural development, bolster promotion and marketing endeavors, and cultivate tourism awareness.

Central to the policy is the promotion of Nagaland as a sustainable destination, emphasizing community centered tourism initiatives that prioritize the preservation of diverse cultural heritage and natural beauty.

These measures are set to be implemented immediately, signaling a concerted effort to elevate Nagaland’s tourism industry while preserving its unique identity and resources.

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