Mao, 5 May (MTNews): The Asufii Christian Institute, Mao in collaboration with the Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata, Government of India organized a Two-Day National Seminar on the theme, “Loss of Biodiversity and its Impact on Socio-cultural and Economic Well-being in Northeast India” on 2nd and 3rd May 2024.

Participants of the Two-day National Seminar on “Loss of Biodiversity and its Impact on Socio-cultural and Economic Well-being in Northeast India” held at Asufii Christian Institute, Mao on 2nd and 3rd May 2024.

The seminar, held at the premises of Asufii Christian Institute in Punanamei, Mao, brought together experts, stakeholders, and concerned individuals to address the pressing issues surrounding biodiversity loss in Northeast India. Participants engaged in meaningful discussions, sharing insights and experiences aimed at finding solutions to mitigate the adverse effects of biodiversity loss on our socio-cultural fabric and economic prosperity, the institute said in an update.

Distinguished speakers, including Dr Ashiho Asosii Mao, Director of the Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata, Government of India; Supongnukshi Ao, IFS, Member Secretary & CCF (EBR), Nagaland State Biodiversity Board, Nagaland; and Prof. Xavier P Mao, Member Secretary of IPC & Head, Department of Philosophy, NEHU delivered thought-provoking addresses, emphasizing the urgent need for conservation efforts and interdisciplinary approaches to tackle the challenges posed by biodiversity loss.

Dr Ashiho Asosii Mao graced the occasion with his inaugural address. Dr Mao’s speech resonated deeply as he underscored the myriad challenges posed by the loss of biodiversity. He emphasized that failure to address this issue would have severe consequences on the environment and the overall quality of life. Furthermore, Dr Mao stressed the indispensable link between biodiversity and ecosystem health, predicting substantial benefits for nations endowed with rich biodiversity.

keynote speaker
Supongnukshi Ao, IFS, Member Secretary & CCF (EBR), Nagaland State Biodiversity Board, Nagaland delivered the keynote address

Supongnukshi Ao delivered the Keynote Address. He emphasized the critical importance of biodiversity conservation and preservation. Ao’s deep expertise and insightful remarks established the tone for the seminar, motivating participants to actively engage in meaningful discussions and take concrete actions towards biodiversity conservation. He passionately advocated for the conservation and preservation of biodiversity, urging participants to embrace an interdisciplinary approach to address the complex challenges of biodiversity loss

The seminar featured presentations of numerous papers from diverse fields and disciplines, with contributors hailing from different states of Northeast India. Each paper delved into various topics aligned with the seminar theme, enriching the discourse with a multitude of perspectives. Ranging from ecological impacts to socio-cultural implications, the presentations offered invaluable insights into the intricate dynamics of biodiversity loss in Northeast India.

Prof. Xavier P Mao, Member Secretary of IPC & Head, Department of Philosophy, NEHU was the valedictory speaker

The valedictory speaker, Prof. Xavier P Mao, emphasized the significance of diversity in his address. He highlighted the interconnectedness and interdependence of all components of the world, drawing parallels between the components of the Earth and the human body. Prof. Mao stressed the urgent need to address factors accelerating biodiversity loss and advocated for stringent measures to control and mitigate them.

The seminar concluded with a resounding call to action, urging stakeholders to join hands and take proactive steps towards biodiversity conservation, thereby ensuring a sustainable future for Northeast India and beyond

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