Mokokchung, 3 August (MTNews): The NSCN-IM marked the 8th anniversary of the Framework Agreement today by observing a thanksgiving program at its Council Headquarters Church, Hebron. The Framework Agreement was signed on 3 August 2015 between the NSCN-IM and the Government of India.
Delivering his commemorative speech, the Yaruiwo (President) of the NSCN/GPRN Q Tuccu said that the “historic” Framework Agreement was “not only an indelible chapter added in the Naga political history but a challenging task for the Nagas to stand the ground till the logical conclusion emerged.”
“Framework Agreement as we know is now the foundation on which the Naga political solution that is honorable and inclusive would be established,” the NSCN -IM Chairman stated, adding, “There is no question of moving away in any manner or diluting the sovereign meaning of the historic agreement.”
“History would judge us if we fail to protect the Naga sovereign identity,” he said, adding that the world is ‘ruthless’ where “there is no fear for betraying what God has given to the Nagas.”
“If we scan the pages of Naga history, we should know who have betrayed the Nagas and how government of India flattered the Nagas in the name of Naga solution in collusion with our own Naga leaders who have no respect for the historical and political rights of the Nagas,” the NSCN-IM Chairman added.
He further mentioned that the present state of Nagaland was “created out of treachery and not by expressed will of the Naga freedom fighters and Naga people” and reminded the Naga people to learn from history and not allow such blunder to happen again.
“Let us be aware that the world has come to know much better of the Naga political issue because of the historic Framework Agreement (FA), and how NSCN stood the ground to uphold FA that is now considered sacrosanct and thus inviolable,” he stated.
The NSCN-IM Chairman recalled that it took more than 50 years of fierce fighting for the government of India to accept the historical truth that “Nagalim was never an integral part of India either by conquest or consent.”
Since then, he said, the narrative of the Indo-Naga political talks was made to be seen from a ‘higher perspective’ ultimately leading to the government of India granting official recognition to the unique history of the Nagas on 11 July 2002.
Finally, as per the NSCN-IM Chairman, the political talks gained momentum when the “historic Framework Agreement was signed on 3rd August, 2015 giving recognition to the sovereign identity of the Nagas.”
“The driving force behind the Framework Agreement was recognition of the uniqueness of Naga history as recognized by the government of India. As testified by the development that followed, understanding of the past history is crucial in responding and shaping the political status of the Indo-Naga political talks,” he added.
The NSCN-IM Chairman recollected Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s words when the historic agreement was signed. “We praise the Naga people and the people of India for exercising unprecedented patience in supporting the Indo-Naga peace process. With all faith and confidence, we believe that an honorable peaceful political solution will be worked out before long,” PM Modi had said then.
Stating that the Naga political issue is very complex, the NSCN-IM Chairman said, “let us continue to have faith and confidence that something honorable will be worked out soon.” He urged the people to “not lose sight of NSCN’s goal but to stand firmly behind Framework Agreement, doing our duty faithfully and firmly on the side of freedom and justice.”
“Let us therefore, keep waiting with renewed hope and pledge allegiance to the Framework Agreement that whatever may betide, we shall stand by it. God will do the rest if we put our faith on Him with all honesty and commitment,” he concluded.
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