The North East Students’ Organization (NESO) observed a black day on Monday in Tripura and other Northeast states in protest against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). As part of the protest, the Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) demonstrated with black flags in front of the NSF office in Kohima.

Meanwhile, in Tripura, former NESO vice-president Upendra Debbarma during the protest said, “No foreign nationals should get citizenship and stay here permanently. So the NESO, comprising eight organisations, is protesting against the CAA. We demand the Act should be withdrawn.”

The eight member organizations of the NESO are the All Assam Students’ Union, Khasi Students’ Union, Garo Students’ Union, All Arunachal Pradesh Students’ Union, Naga Students’ Federation, All Manipur Students’ Union, Mizo Zirlai Pawl and the Aizawl Twipra Students’ Federation.

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