The Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) has vehemently voiced its opposition to the recent decision made by the Election Commission of India (ECI) to schedule the date of counting for the forthcoming state Assembly Elections on 3rd of December, a Sunday.

NSF said, “This contentious choice, which has been a matter of debate ever since the BJP assumed office, has raised concerns over the potential disregard for the religious practice and beliefs of the Christian community.”

It said that Sunday holds deep significance for Christians worldwide as a day of worship, reflection, and strengthening the faith of the Christian. “The decision to set the state assembly election counting on Sunday on a particular day appears to disregard the sanctity of this day for the Christian community,” NSF said.

Furthermore, the NSF also raised “a crucial question” about the Indian government’s rationale for imposing official activities, events and programs time and again on a day that carries religious significance for many of the citizens. This decision appears to demonstrate a lack of consideration for religious diversity and contradicts the foundational principles of equality and secularism that our democracy upholds, it added.

“We are troubled by the perception of a communal stance displayed by the central government, which seems to disproportionately affect the Christian faith and practice,” the NSF said. It said that, in a diverse and multicultural country like India, it is imperative that the government respects the religious beliefs and practices of all its citizens.

The NSF said that the decision to hold the state assembly election counting on Sunday can be interpreted as a failure to respect the religious practices and beliefs of the Christian community. “It is imperative to accommodate the religious obligation of all the citizens, as this is fundamental to preserving the principles of democracy and secularism,” the NSF said, while urging the government to reconsider this decision and explore alternative options that honor the religious diversity of all people.

Mokokchung Times

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