NSF raises alarm over potential mass exodus of Bangladeshi nationals into Naga homeland

2024-08-09 | 12:58h
2024-08-09 | 12:58h

The Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) has expressed grave concern over the potential mass exodus of Bangladeshi nationals into the Naga homeland, a situation they warn could mirror historical patterns that have caused significant demographic and socio-economic challenges for the region.

The NSF’s statement comes in response to the recent civil unrest in Bangladesh, which they believe threatens not only regional stability but also poses a substantial risk to the Northeast Region of India.

In a press release, the NSF on Thursday highlighted that the Northeast has historically been a refuge for those fleeing turmoil from neighboring countries, pointing to past instances where such migration led to significant issues.

“During the partition of India in 1947, countless Bengalis from East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) crossed the border and occupied lands in Assam and Tripura, dramatically altering the demographic landscape. Similarly, the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971 saw another massive influx of East Pakistanis into India, further exacerbating the demographic imbalance in states like Assam, Tripura, and Meghalaya,” the NSF stated.

The Federation is particularly worried about the potential repetition of these patterns due to the current crisis in Bangladesh. They caution that an uncontrollable influx of illegal immigrants could strain the state’s already limited resources and pose a serious threat to the cultural and demographic fabric of the Naga people.

Nagaland has been struggling with the ongoing challenge of illegal immigration despite efforts by the state government and local authorities. The NSF outlined three primary concerns:

Demographic Imbalance: The continuous inflow of illegal immigrants has caused a significant demographic shift in the Northeast, including the Naga homeland. This shift threatens the cultural identity and traditional way of life of the indigenous Naga people.

Economic Strain: The crisis places immense pressure on the state’s economy, intensifying competition for resources, employment, and public services. This leads to economic instability and hardship for local residents.

Social Tensions: The arrival of large numbers of illegal immigrants has the potential to spark social unrest and conflict within communities. The NSF fears that the unrest in Bangladesh could worsen these tensions, leading to further instability.

In light of these concerns, the Naga Students’ Federation called upon the government of Nagaland to take immediate and decisive action to prevent a repeat of the historical patterns of mass immigration from Bangladesh.

Further, the federation urged the government to immediately liaise with the neighboring state counterparts to strengthen border security, implement stringent immigration controls, and ensure the rigorous enforcement of the Inner Line Permit (ILP) system.

Additionally, the NSF appealed to local authorities and community leaders to remain vigilant and proactive in addressing the challenges posed by illegal immigration.

“It is imperative that Village Councils do not issue Permanent Residential Certificates (PRCs) to illegal immigrants, thereby safeguarding the interests of the indigenous Naga people,” it added.


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