Prof. Jagadish Kumar Patnaik, currently the Vice Chancellor of Nagaland University (NU), recently concluded an eventful three-day visit to Mizoram University, where he is retiring this month after serving as a Professor in the Department of Political Science. During his extensive tenure at Mizoram University, he distinguished himself both as an educator and an administrator. The profound respect and admiration he commands were evident in the tribute paid to him by the Mizoram University community.

Nagaland University
According to the tribute, Prof. Jagadish Kumar Patnaik’s academic journey resembles a river that enriches everyone it touches with knowledge and wisdom, never ceasing in its pursuit.
The tribute further highlighted that Prof. Patnaik’s academic achievements are not just inspiring but also set a benchmark for others to follow. Throughout his career in higher education, he demonstrated unwavering dedication and a passion for learning. His commitment to mentoring research scholars, combined with his reputation as a creative and analytically astute academic writer, has left an indelible impression on Mizoram University.

In addition to his academic roles, Prof. Patnaik exhibited natural leadership qualities, effectively guiding teams in administrative capacities. His deep-seated attachment to his institution and adherence to professional ethics earned him accolades throughout his career, noted the tribute.

As Prof. Patnaik bids farewell upon his retirement from Mizoram University, accolades have poured in from all quarters, congratulating him and acknowledging his significant contributions to Mizoram University and the state of Mizoram.

The tribute concluded with the declaration that “Greater deeds remain!” affirming that Prof. Jagadish Kumar Patnaik’s legacy will endure far beyond his tenure, shaping minds and futures for years to come.

The heartfelt appreciation and celebration of Prof. Jagadish Kumar Patnaik’s contributions to Mizoram University now pave the way for his leadership at Nagaland University. The Nagaland University community has warmly acknowledged his past achievements and expressed their wishes, through the words of Prof. G.T. Thong, Pro Vice-Chancellor of Nagaland University, Kohima Campus, for his continued success in the years ahead.

Mokokchung Times

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