
capacity building on implementation of JJM, SBM (G) held

2023-07-12 | 08:28h
2023-07-12 | 08:28h

Kohima, 11 July (MTNews): An orientation and capacity building on implementation of Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) and Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) was held for officers and engineers of Rural Development (RD) and Public Health Engineering Department (PHED) at RD Conference Hall, Kohima on 11 July.




The program was chaired by Azenuo Pienyü, Director, RD while the welcome address was delivered by Neposo Theluo, Commissioner & Secretary, RD and introductory speech was given by E Mhonbemo Patton, Principal Secretary, PHED.


Er N Yanger Pongener, Executive Engineer (Technical) PHED gave a PowerPoint Presentation on Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) and emphasized on the importance of convergence with various government programs to achieve the overall goal of JJM and ensure sustainability of water supply in terms of quality, quantity and regularity. This was followed by interaction and discussion on the status of JJM in Nagaland.


Er Ichirang Zeliang, Executive Engineer, Sanitation & WSSO, PHED also gave a PowerPoint Presentation on SBM(G) and gave an overall status of Open Defecation Free Plus (ODF+) villages in Nagaland and the need for more efforts to push forth in achieving the desired target of attaining ODF+ villages in Nagaland.


The presentation was followed by an interaction and discussion session wherein the need for both Rural Development (RD) Department and Public Health Engineering Department (PHED) to cohesively work together for the development and welfare of the rural masses was deliberated.


The program concluded with a vote of thanks by K Shekiho Phuleshe, Addl. Director, Rural Development.


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