‘Peaceful’ is not ‘Free

Fair’ Election | Proxy voting dominates Mokokchung Municipal Council election

2024-06-27 | 02:42h
2024-06-27 | 10:27h

The Mokokchung Municipal Council (MMC) election held today, 26 June, was overshadowed by allegations of widespread proxy voting, raising significant concerns about the integrity of the electoral process. MT was on the ground and witnessed these irregularities firsthand.

Voters queued up to cast their votes in Mongsenbai Ward during the MMC election 2024 in Mokokchung, 26 June.

While the election across Mokokchung was largely peaceful, with only occasional tension, the fairness of the process was compromised in most wards. Kichutip Ward stood out for recording zero proxy votes, but in most other wards, peace did not equate to a “Free and Fair Election.”

Proxy voting, a significant issue in Nagaland, involves votes being cast by individuals other than the registered voters, undermining the electoral process. Bogus voting and impersonation, which are illegal, are commonly referred to as proxy voting in Nagaland.

Lanu Imchen, the Kumlong Ward Chairman, and his Yimden members vowed to prevent proxy voting when asked how they would deal with the issue. “Absentees will be absentees,” Imchen asserted, guaranteeing that proxy voting would not be tolerated. Supong Tzudir, Senior Executive Member of the Kumlong Ward Yimden, criticized the current election process, stating, “Government is weak because the process of election is wrong. Starting from this election, we will ensure that there will be a free election.”


Despite these efforts, voters in Kumlong Ward admitted to MT that they held the voter slips of their siblings and other family members and intended to vote on their behalf. Both sides acknowledged the prevalence of proxy voting, with some voters successfully casting multiple votes. There were two candidates in the fray in Kumlong ward.

In Mongsenbai Ward, tension initially simmered at the polling station when voters from polling stations II and III arrived at polling station I, but it quickly dissipated as both sides mutually respected the practice of proxy voting.

Additionally, supporters of the NDPP in Mongsenbai Ward were seen wearing yellow wristbands. When asked about their purpose, some hesitated to respond, while others said it was to show support for the NDPP. However, many admitted the wristbands served as identification. “It’s for identification during the voting process,” many supporters disclosed, confirming suspicions of organized efforts to manipulate the election outcome.

Supporters of NDPP candidate wore yellow wristbands in Mongsenbai Ward, Mokokchung.

When MT confronted local authorities with evidence of multiple voting by the same individuals, they expressed reluctance to intervene. “Instead of escalating into violence, we’ve decided to let things be,” a ward authority candidly stated. “Proxy voting is happening on both sides (NDPP and Independent), so we’re maintaining a hands-off approach. We are just happy that it is peaceful.”

Meanwhile, police reported heightened tensions in Mongsenbai Ward when outsiders attempted to enter the area, but the situation was quickly controlled by security forces.

In Sungkomen Ward, the Yimden expressed confidence in the electoral process, noting no complaints from the BLO or polling agents. However, when asked if they were 100% confident there had been zero proxy votes, the Ward Yimden replied, “Maybe not 100%. Maybe a few, one or two persons might have cast proxy votes.”

Yangerjungba, Chairman of Sungkomen Ward, added, “Even if proxy votes happened, it may have occurred without the knowledge of the ward authority.”

MT covered the wards above following allegations and reports of electoral malpractices, shedding light on the challenges facing the integrity of the electoral process in Mokokchung.

Earlier, gunshots fired by unidentified person/s fired were heard in the wee hours of the polling day in Arkong ward. The first round was fired at around 5:12 am followed by another round about ten minutes later. Videos of some youths engaged in stone pelting near Arkong polling station-2 before the voting began also surfaced. Later, videos of a mob violence in Alongmen ward was also widely circulated.

Mokokchung Times


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