The Phek District Basketball Association (PDBA) has announced the new executive body for the tenure 2024-2027. Kuveduyo Puro has been appointed as President, while Sevoyi Swuro takes on the role of Vice President. Dr Mewete-u Kapfo will serve as General Secretary, with Mudovezo Lohe as Assistant General Secretary. Vire Nukhu has been named Finance Secretary, and Menekhrou Lohe will assume the position of Treasurer. Shede Soho will take on the role of Games Secretary, and Nezosulu Kezo has been appointed as Technical Secretary (W). Rolio Z Lohe will serve as Technical Secretary (M), while Vekusayi Veswii will be the Press & Information Secretary. Kuku-o Getsa will hold the position of Property Secretary.

The advisors for the new executive include Chipakhiiyi Rhakho, Vechupa Rose, Besuve Nienu, and Surhoneyi Soho.


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