As multiple reports of landslides continue to emerge from various parts of Mokokchung district, the District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) and concerned departments are actively working to clear debris.

In an encouraging development, the Public Works Department (National Highways) [PWD (NH)], Mokokchung, undertook preventive measures along a vulnerable stretch of National Highway 702D (Mokokchung to Mariani road), located 3.5 km from Mokokchung Police Point, near the IOC depot.

The move was prompted by concerns raised by households living below the highway, following the appearance of a large crack on the slope adjacent to NH 702D, a vital route serving more than four districts of Nagaland.

A crack appearing on the slope adjacent to the road, indicating soil instability and potential landslides.

The slope, prone to landslides, had trees and bamboo that posed a significant threat to property and lives in the unfortunate event of a landslide.

On September 4, residents living below the highway contacted their ward chairman, expressing concerns about potential danger. The chairman responded positively, and the issue was also soon brought to the attention of the PWD (NH). The said stretch of the highway falls under Yimyu Ward, Mokokchung town.

By September 5, the landowner agreed to fell the trees and bamboo on the affected site. In coordination with the landowner, the PWD (NH) cut down around 20 trees along with bamboo and placed earth on the edges of the road. They also covered the vulnerable area with tarpaulins as a temporary preventive measure. These actions mitigated the immediate risk of landslides in the area.

Vulnerable areas covered with tarpaulins as a temporary preventive measure.

Residents expressed gratitude for the swift response from the landowner, Yimyu ward chairman, and PWD (NH). “We are grateful and satisfied. Everyone has done their job. Although landslides cannot be completely prevented, we are hopeful that major destruction will be avoided due to the removal of the large trees,” a resident told MT.


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