Mokokchung, 04 October (MTNews): In light of the recent surge in road accidents in the state, many of which have resulted in fatalities or critical injuries, the Motor Vehicles Department convened a meeting on 3 October 2023 at the Conference Hall of the Transport Commissionerate in Kohima. The meeting was chaired by Temjenmenba, the Advisor for Transport & Technical Education. Attendees included officers from the Department, including Regional and District Transport Officers, as well as Assistant Regional Transport Officers from both the general and Enforcement divisions.



Recognizing the gravity of the recent increase in road accidents, the Advisor emphasized the need for the Department to intensify its efforts and programs aimed at preventing such accidents. He stressed that accidents not only lead to the loss of precious lives but also incur significant economic costs. The Department officials were urged to rigorously enforce all the provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act to ensure that vehicles are in perfect roadworthy condition with all valid documents. Furthermore, he insisted on the necessity of well-educating drivers and conducting periodic tests to enhance their skills.

In appreciation of the Advisor’s time and his personal commitment to addressing road safety concerns within the state, Transport Commissioner Elias T Lotha provided an insightful overview of the Department’s pivotal role as the ‘lead agency’ for road safety. He underscored the Department’s ongoing initiatives, which have been collaboratively executed with various line departments. These efforts are based on a comprehensive strategy founded on the four ‘E’s of road safety: Enforcement, Engineering, Emergency Services, and Education.

Speaking on behalf of the Department, Commissioner Lotha expressed unwavering confidence in the Advisor’s leadership and capability to propel the Department further in its mission to serve the state and enhance its visibility in driving socio-economic growth.

The Advisor, in response, pledged his support and assistance in advancing the Department’s endeavors. He urged all officers to embrace a holistic approach to prevent road accidents within the state.

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