The Rising People’s Party (RPP) has questioned the felling of teak trees inside Chumoukedima Police Complex. “The felling of teak trees inside the Chumoukedima police complex has come as a rude shock, but the lame justification given by the state’s DGP is all the more shocking,” RPP said in a press statement.


Saying that forest laws are stringent in India, and require clearance at different levels to cut down even a single tree, RPP has demanded explanation from the Deputy Chief Minister “as to how almost 50 years old trees – as per the pictures circulated in social media, possibly worth Crores of rupees in the open market, could be felled without any procedures being followed.”


It further claimed that as per the statement given by the state DGP, “no procedures were followed.” The RPP concluded that unless heads roll and accountability is fixed, “it can be safely deduced that both the Chief Minister Rio and the Dy. CM Y. Patton benefitted from the felling of trees at Police Complex Chumoukedima.”


Mokokchung Times News

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