Amid the ongoing Hornbill Festival, which welcomed a total of 11,214 tourists on its 6th day, the Minister of Tourism, Nagaland expressed sincere commendation for Prime Minister Modi and the BJP. In an interview with The New Indian, the Minister highlighted that under Prime Minister Modi’s leadership, Northeast India is emerging as a crucial player in the vision of “Akhand Bharat,” with Nagaland playing a pivotal role. The Minister emphasized, “Sitting in Delhi, PM kept Kohima close.”

temjen imna along
Nagaland Tourism and Higher Education minister Temjen Imna Along (File photo)

Recalling the past, the Minister pointed out that just a few years ago, the journey from Dimapur to Kohima took more than 4 to 5 hours, but today, the same distance can be covered in just one and a half hours. He attributed the unreserved visit of people from all corners of the country and the world to the leadership of Prime Minister Modi.

When discussing his perspective on the INDIA alliance and the recent election results, Minister Along asserted that for the BJP, there are no “semi-finals or quarter-finals”; the ultimate goal is victory, and only the result holds significance. He also reminded people to acknowledge the transformative development in the country under the Modi government, which he said has uplifted over 13 crore people from Below Poverty Line conditions.

Addressing the controversy surrounding the naming of the country as India vs. Bharat, the Minister quoted the constitution, affirming, “India, which is also Bharat.” He clarified that while the INDIA alliance may choose various names, the primary concern of the Modi government is focused only on the development of “India that is Bharat.”

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