Stalemate over Frontier Nagaland Territory raises democratic concerns

2024-06-15 | 08:37h
2024-06-15 | 08:37h

Despite widespread protests in Eastern Nagaland, including abstention from the electoral process by the Eastern Nagaland Peoples’ Organization (ENPO) demanding greater autonomy, both the ruling dispensation in the State and the Centre have remained unresponsive. Meanwhile, political elites within the ruling party are alleged to be undermining the legitimacy of the protests.

The ENPO, representing six districts in Eastern Nagaland, has advocated for the creation of a separate state within India since 2010, citing longstanding economic and political neglect. ENPO president Tsapikiu Sangtam has reiterated that the organization adjusted its demand from statehood to the creation of a “Frontier Nagaland Territory” (FNT) after the central government deemed statehood or union territory status not possible and due to appeals from other communities in Nagaland. This adjustment was presented as a “unique” solution by the Centre.

According to the ENPO, Union Home Minister Amit Shah had promised that the FNT issue would be resolved before the Model Code of Conduct for the 2024 Lok Sabha election came into effect. However, with no visible progress, the ENPO began agitating while the Central government remained unresponsive.

During the protest, effigies of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah, and the BJP National President were burned. As the protest continued, blame shifted to the Government of Nagaland, with accusations that the “draft proposal of the Memorandum of Settlement (MoS)” rejected by the ENPO was not from the Union Home Ministry. However, Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio asserted that the draft MoS was indeed from the Home Ministry and had been given to him by Amit Shah to discuss with elected members and the ENPO.

Despite a series of meetings, including with the Eastern Nagaland Legislators’ Union, the situation saw no improvement. As a result, the ENPO upheld its Chenmoho Resolution to abstain from both state and central elections until their demand for FNT was met.

The ENPO blamed the state government for delays in fulfilling the FNT demand, but by April 2024, Chief Minister Rio stated that the 20 MLAs from the Eastern region and the ENPO had “failed to sit across the table to study and discuss the power-sharing system if an autonomous body is created.”


In this stalemate, the ENPO successfully abstained from participating in the Lok Sabha election 2024, resulting in zero votes cast in the six eastern districts. Political commentators believe this contributed to the loss of the PDA consensus candidate Dr Chumben Murry to the INC candidate Supongmeren Jamir by a vote margin of more than 50,000, marking a resurgence of the Congress party in Nagaland after twenty years.

By June 2024, as Nagaland prepared for the historic Urban Local Body (ULB) election, the ENPO maintained its position to once again abstain from the polls. However, on June 11, in an unprecedented development, about 57 candidates from Eastern Nagaland filed their nominations for the ULB elections. This move was seen as a blow to the ENPO and its supporters, leading to a series of confrontations, summons, and resignations in various districts. This incident revealed a division within the ENPO and its supporters into two camps – the general public and those influenced by “political elites,” with allegations that the nominations were influenced by the late.

Reportedly, all the nominations filed were done by either the agents of the “political elites” or under their influence on leaders of CSOs.

This incident also marks a significant shift in Nagaland politics as it is rare for people to defy a powerful Civil Society Organization like the ENPO in favor of democratic rights.

Earlier, the Nagaland State Election Commission issued show cause notice to the ENPO president, stating that the abstention undermined democracy and violated voters’ fundamental rights. The ENPO, however, maintained that the abstention was voluntary. However, the June 11 incident changed that narrative.

This situation also raises concerns about potential political pressure and influence on the people’s movement, as well as the government’s response to democratic protests.

There is speculation that the NDPP-BJP faced setbacks in the Lok Sabha election due to the lack of votes from Eastern Nagaland, making victories in ENPO jurisdiction crucial for the NDPP-BJP allies. Some have accused the Eastern Nagaland Legislators’ Union of being heavily influenced by the NDPP-BJP, leading to significant political pressure on them.

“It is sad that we call Eastern Nagaland a family but the house is divided against itself,” a citizen of Eastern Nagaland told this newspaper. “The current actions mean that the elites in our community do not care about our people,” added another.

Additionally, expectations for relief from Centre’s intervention remain low. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has close ties with the NDPP-BJP, has faced criticism for his handling of dissent and grievances in his previous tenure, with some alleging that his approach has made democratic dialogue more challenging.

The continued stalemate between the ENPO and the government could escalate tensions in the region. The recent plea from the Konyak Union to the state government, demanding the withdrawal of stationed personnel within 24 hours, underscores the deteriorating situation in Eastern Nagaland districts. Additionally, reports of intensified police vehicle checks in Mon district from June 13 further indicate growing tensions.

The ongoing standoff between the ENPO and the government highlights significant challenges in addressing demands for greater autonomy. Despite the ENPO’s shift to advocating for a “Frontier Naga Territory” (FNT), negotiations have stalled, leading to political tensions and electoral repercussions.

The recent filing of nominations for the ULB elections by candidates from Eastern Nagaland indicates division within the ENPO and its supporters. Amid accusations of political influence, concerns over democratic processes and governance persist, with implications for regional stability. As tensions escalate, the government’s response and future actions will be critical in addressing these challenges and underlying grievances.

Mokokchung Times


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