The Bible does not instruct churches to go around begging for money to achieve their goals. A church thrives on the faith of its congregation. According to Malachi 3:10, God commands us to give our tithe, 10% of our earnings, to Him. Additionally, 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 teaches that each person should give what they have decided in their heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. This scripture emphasizes voluntary and heartfelt giving, not compulsory collections, penalties, or begging from the wealthy.

If the Bible had instructed us to ask others to fund God’s work, Peter would have accepted money from Simon (Acts 8:19-20). However, this was not the case. It is not wrong for someone to donate a large amount to the church willingly. Such generosity is commendable and aligns with biblical principles.

A church should prioritize preaching the gospel and gathering souls, ensuring that God and the people are pleased. By focusing on spiritual growth and salvation, the church will naturally be blessed with both earthly wealth and spiritual richness. In summary, a church that dedicates itself to the mission of saving souls will find itself thriving in all aspects.

Bendang Imsong

One thought on “The Church’s Mission: Focusing on Faith and Salvation, Not Fundraising”
  1. What will be the outcome of the successful of FMR in future, ofcourse specially NSCN IM and few other factions would definitely be impacted for their sources, is it good for the people specially for the NE living near and in the boundaries.. will it bring changes ( better/ worse) for our Nagaland sir?

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