As stated in this column in the previous issue, civil society plays a pivotal role in any given community and it acts as a bridge between the state/government and the individual citizens. Civil society, as stated before, plays a crucial and multifaceted role in society, contributing to the development, functioning, and well-being of communities. One of the most important roles played by any well informed civil society in a democracy is providing checks and balances, thereby helping to ensure that government power is exercised responsibly and transparently. From raising awareness about important issues, policies, and government actions to challenging government actions in court if they believe those actions violate laws or constitutional rights, an active, informed, and engaged civil society is essential for maintaining a healthy democracy and holding the government accountable for its actions.


One area where civil society in Mokokchung can improve is conducting independent research and monitoring of government activities. This includes analyzing policies, budgets, and programs to identify potential discrepancies or failures in implementation. They can also track government performance, spending, and outcomes to hold officials accountable. Another area where civil society in Mokokchung can focus on is whistleblower protection. Humans by nature are inherently moral beings. As such, we know corruption is wrong. However, our morality is shaped by cultural, social, and environmental factors. Therefore, it is important to create a social culture and environment that discourages corruption in governance. It is in this respect that supporting and protecting whistleblowers who expose government wrongdoing is crucial. Civil society can create mechanisms to assist and shield those who come forward with information about government corruption or misconduct.


Another suggestion is for the civil society to work on collaboration and coalition building instead of performing within compartmentalized spaces. Civil society organizations can work together in coalitions and partnerships to amplify their collective voices, increase their impact, and tackle complex issues more effectively.


Civil society in Mokokchung has been doing a laudable job in recent times, offering us a reason to believe that all is not lost and that there is hope for Mokokchung after all. The AKM entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with an accredited firm with the aim to address the skill development and job placement needs of the region’s youth or making unannounced visits to government offices to check absenteeism is a fine example of a civil society playing its role well. There are many such examples that can be cited here, if not for want of space. It is hoped that this trend will continue for the sake of Mokokchung.

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