Nestled near the Zoological Park in Chümoukedima, the Tribal Old Age Home cum Day Care Centre (TOAHDCC) stands as a beacon of compassion and service for the elderly. Established on September 29, 2014, under the motto “Service, Witness, and Love,” TOAHDCC has become a haven for senior citizens seeking a dignified and fulfilling retirement.

The TOAHDCC residential corner and rescue centre is located at Thilixu Village Block-6, Chümoukedima near Zoological Park and the Day Care Centre is located at Indisen Village and Aoyimkum Village.

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Inauguration of TOAHDCC on 29 September 2014 with Pastor Lima DABA

The Director of TOAHDCC, Imlitongzuk Amri, shared a personal reflection, expressing how serving the elderly through this initiative has brought deep satisfaction, humility, and contentment.

Making a transition from the corporate world to a life dedicated to service was a profound decision that has not only humbled the director but also offered a new perspective on life — one that is wiser, more blessed, and at peace.

“TOAHDCC is a league of the like-minded people striving to make a difference in the lives of the elderly. After years of hard work, raising families and contributing to the society and churches, they deserve to lead a life with dignity. I feel glad that I’m able to play a little part in ensuring that their financial, medical, emotional and psychological needs are taken care of,” the Director said, adding that it has given him a new perspective in life.

The Concept

Contrary to the misconception that Old Age Homes or Day Care Centres signal the erosion of traditional values, TOAHDCC embraces a vision of providing a space for senior citizens to enjoy their golden years, irrespective of class, religion, or status. The centre offers an environment where the elderly can rest, grow, live with respect and dignity, and engage socially.

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Celebrating Anniversary

“Tribal Old Age Home cum Day Care Centre is not about providing a space where senior citizens can be abandoned but it is a place to let them enjoy Golden years irrespective of which class, religion or status he or she belongs to. Here, we provide senior citizens an opportunity to rest, to change their perspective on life and grow, live with respect and dignity and socialize,” Amri said.

In Nagaland, the concept of Old Age Homes or Day Care Centre is fairly new. Most view the existence of such homes as an indication for erosion of Naga traditional virtues. According to Amri, Naga tradition has upheld very strong family values and the practice of taking care of one’s parents in their old age is no exception.

“Most of us would rather devote our entire time and energy taking care of our parents instead of placing them under the care of strangers or caregivers. That being said, let’s give it a thought,” he remarked.

“Is there anything wrong in sending our parents/grandparents to an Old Age Home or Day Care Centre where they can spend a few hours singing & praying, making new friends, exchanging thoughts, knowledge & experiences, watching inspirational documentaries/movies and utilizing it in a constructive manner so as to contribute meaningfully to the society. Add to that, emotional well-being and spiritual growth by taking them out for Social Outings & Outreach ministries.”

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Free eye camp

Mission and Goals

TOAHDCC, a non-profit charitable organization registered under the Society Act of 1860, envisions a modern senior citizens home and day care centre with a humane touch. The mission is to provide primary care, allowing senior citizens to live life on their terms with dignity, ease, and confidence. The goals include establishing a social institution for interaction and care, ensuring a congenial environment, and providing comprehensive support for the well-being of residents.

Services and Facilities

TOAHDCC offers a range of services and facilities, including day care old age fellowships, day care centre, resting home/short stay, residential stays, caregiver phone ministry to the old age people, home visitation program, medical facilities, and a rescue centre. The centre organizes various activities, from sports events and concerts to missions and outreach programs, fostering inter-generational relationships.

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Home visitations

Recent Activities and Initiatives:

Senior Citizens Mini-Olympic (Sports Day): An event encouraging physical activity and camaraderie among senior citizens.

2nd Senior Citizens Festival of Praise Concert: A concert exclusively for senior citizens, celebrating spirituality and joy.

Mission Smile: Providing free dentures to rescued senior citizens and wellness activities.

Mission with a Vision: Reaching out to 100 senior citizens with gifts and prayers.

Inter-generational Relationships Program: Building connections between children, youth, and senior citizens.

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Call for Support

While TOAHDCC has received encouraging responses, they appeal for prayers and moral support. “It is amazing to witness God work His miracles in the lives of these members. Most importantly, it is an enormous blessing to be able to render assistance to our dear senior citizens who turn up at TOAHDCC’s door,” the Director said.

The centre’s commitment to being a healing and refuge space for the elderly is underscored, emphasizing that it is not a business but a humble expression of gratitude to senior citizens. Those interested in contributing to the cause or seeking information can contact 9774783322 or 8575487745.

TOAHDCC’s message resonates with the belief that senior citizens, after a lifetime of contributions to society, deserve to retire with respect and dignity. The centre invites individuals to join hands in making the world a better place for the neglected and elderly.

Mokokchung Times

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