As the Urban Local Body (ULB) elections draw near, the Ao Students’ Conference (AKM) on Tuesday urged the community to engage in this critical democratic process with vision, integrity, and a commitment to progress.

In a press release appended by Lanutoshi Aier and Satemmongba, president and general secretary of AKM respectively, the apex student body said that the Aos have been historically recognized as pioneers in various spheres of life, and said that “it is now imperative that we extend this pioneering spirit to our approach towards governance and development.”

“We must prove ourselves as visionaries, capable of leading our communities toward a brighter and more sustainable future,” stated the AKM.

Stating that change must begin from the grassroots, AKM said that it is at the local level that “our everyday lives are most impacted, and it is through local governance that we can initiate real, tangible improvements in our communities.”

AKM further encourages every voter to consider the long-term benefits of their choices, advocating for policies and leaders who prioritize the well-being and development of society.

In an appeal to uphold the spirit of democracy, AKM also called for a “Free and Fair Elections.” It is essential that the electoral process is conducted transparently and without corruption, ensuring that the true voice of the people is heard, AKM noted.

Further, AKM appealed to all stakeholders—candidates, voters, and authorities—to uphold the principles of honesty and fairness, so that the election results reflect the genuine will of the electorate.

“Let us collectively resolve to stop the practice of selling our development. The future of our community should not be compromised by short-term gains or the influence of money in politics,” AKM stated. It went on to say that true development is achieved through sustained effort and genuine commitment for the common good. “It is time to prioritize our collective progress over individual profit,” AKM maintained.

AKM also urged all members of the community to participate actively in the ULB elections, to vote conscientiously, and to support candidates who embody the values of vision, integrity, and dedication to public service.

“Together, we can pave the way for a future that is not only prosperous but also just and equitable,” AKM added.

Mokokchung Times

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