NPAC calls for statewide bandh on January 14


Mokokchung, January 12 (MTNews): The Nagaland People’s Action Committee (NPAC) has called for a statewide bandh demanding Naga political solution and not election. This was decided during a meeting held today which was attended by several tribal bodies and civil society organizations. The gathering unanimously resolved to call for a statewide bandh on January 14 from 6:00 am to 12:00 noon expressing resentment over the inordinate delay in delivering the long-awaited Naga political solution as promised by the Government of India.


It may be noted here that the civil voices particularly the 15 Naga tribes of Nagaland, Nagaland Tribal Council, Nagaland GB federation, CNTC, ACAUT, CNCCI, Ex-PAN, SCAN, several political parties and many others have expressed their stand loud and clear that they want a solution before the election.


It was also informed that the NPAC has requested ENPO to support the bandh; however, no confirmation has been made on whether the ENPO will participate in the bandh or not as yet.




‘NPAC a powerful democratic force’: WC-NNPG extend support to NPAC’s call for bandh



The Working Committee of the Naga National Political Groups (WC-NNPGs) in a press release issued through its media cell expressed that all Nagas, both in villages and towns, in Nagaland state and beyond, have a responsibility to respond to the call of NPAC for a shutdown.


The political group also claimed that “Anti-Naga solution elements may oppose the shutdown or remain unresponsive to the clarion call” but urged the Nagas “to ignore those in political slumber or pretending to be asleep.”


“The proposed statewide bandh called by NPAC, a committee representing all apex Naga civil societies, on 14th January 2023 is another surging wave of Naga people’s resentment against GoI’s inordinate delay in delivering a negotiated political solution to the Naga people,” the political group stated.


“Once more, the real stakeholders of the Indo-Naga solution, the Naga people, irrespective of tribe, political color, party affiliation or profession, have decided to shut down Nagaland state to remind the GoI political leadership to fulfill its commitment to the Naga people. It is also a mighty slap on the state government for its positive words on air and treacherous actions on the ground,” the group added.


Negotiations between GoI and Naga negotiators have successfully concluded and on this basis the people want an honorable and acceptable political solution, it said.


“14th January 2023 is the day to reclaim the moral right, spiritual right, democratic right, social right, political right, historical right through collective conscience,” it further said.


“These few hours will be a firm democratic nudge to GoI, to allow voice of sanity prevail over imposters’ whispers and heed to the demand for political solution and not elections,” the WC-NNPGs stated.

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