The United Sangtam Students’ Conference (USSC) has issued a final warning to the Chief Engineer of the Public Works Department (PWD) National Highways, demanding immediate repairs on National Highway 202. It said that the critical section of the highway, spanning from 190 km to 240 km under the Kiphire Division, has been neglected despite prior agreements and repeated appeals.

In a letter addressing the Chief Engineer, the USSC highlighted the urgent need for intervention in directing the contractors to commence urgent road repairs on NH 202 by adhering to the terms specified in the contract agreement signed between the department and the contractors.

According to USSC, as per the agreement, it was clearly outlined that road repairs within 3 years would be undertaken to address the existing construction challenges. However, the USSC regretted that the ‘agreed-upon’ timelines have not been met, and the situation has reached a critical point.

“Despite repeated appeals made by the conference regarding this matter, it is distressing to note that the required repairs have not been initiated,” stated the USSC adding that the letter serves as a final warning.

Further, it said that no maintenance bill along with the security deposit and performance bill will be released until the repair of potholes at various locations is completed. The USSC has demanded an action-taken report on the progress of the repair work within 15 days of the letter’s issuance, insisting on strict adherence to this directive adding that it is non-negotiable.

Failure to comply with these demands will compel the USSC to escalate the issue through legal channels and other available means.

The USSC reiterated its commitment to the safety and prosperity of the region, urging the PWD to prioritize these repairs to avoid further escalation.

Mokokchung Times

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