In a significant moment of celebration and pride for the community, showcasing unity and support for its young achievers, the Women’s Society of Upper Khomi Village, under Phek district, organized a felicitation-cum-thanksgiving program in honor of Hüralü Dzüdo, Miss Phek 2024.

The program was held at Rülezho, Upper Khomi Village, on Saturday, December 28, as stated in a press release by the organizers.
Felicitation notes and speeches were delivered by Nüvecho Vero, Village Council Chairman; Shevoculü Hüzhü, a member of the Women’s Society; Nükuzo Cürha, President of the Upper Khomi Youth Organization (UKYO); and Düpoyi Nienu, President of the Upper Khomi Students’ Union (UKSU).
The Act of Blessing was performed by Rüdakhulü Cürha, the oldest woman in the village, symbolizing wisdom and goodwill.
Miss Phek 2024, Hüralü Dzüdo, shared her pageant journey, inspiring the attendees with her story of determination and achievements.
Thüpujo, the oldest man in the village, pronounced the Rüliphi (blessing), invoking prosperity and success for Dzüdo.
The gathering also witnessed special appearances by Nüvesolu Nienu and Nüsavolü Vezüh.
The program was led by Thünovelü Hüzhü, with the invocation pronounced by Shovotsolü Cürha. It concluded with a thanksgiving prayer led by Hüsapa Rüho, Pastor of the Upper Khomi Baptist Church.