Kohima, 20 March (MTNews): The Department of Health & Welfare organized a program to observe World Oral Health Day, 2024 at Khedi Baptist Higher Secondary School Kohima on 20 March 2024 under the theme “A Happy Mouth is a Happy Body”.

World Oral Health Day 2024 observed in Kohima
Dr Meribeni Odyuo, Director (Dental) highlighted the theme of World Oral Health Day and its importance and Dr Arenla Walling, Jt. Director & SNO (NTCP) articulated the harmful effects of tobacco and its adverse effects on livelihood.

The program was chaired by Mrs Rokokhono Miachieo, Headmaster, Khedi Baptist Higher Secondary School and Mr Chathavituo Kesiezie, Principal expressed vote of thanks for the event.

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