The World Population Day is observed on 11th July every year, which seeks to raise awareness of global population issues. India was the first country in the world to launch a family planning programme way back in1952. Today, India has achieved remarkable progress in population stabilisation but still, much needs to be done in terms of awareness and availability of reproductive health care since many women and young children suffer or die due to lack of it. The slogan for the World Population Day 2022 is:

“Parivar niyojan ka apnaoupay, Likhotarakki ka nayaadhyay”
“Adopt family planning measures and write a new chapter of progress”

What is Family Planning?
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), Family Planning is defined as the ability of individuals and couples to anticipate and attain their desired number of children and the spacing and timing of their births. It is achieved through use of contraceptive methods and the treatment of involuntary infertility. (WHO Department of Reproductive Health and Research, 2008)

Family Planning serves three critical needs:
1. It helps couples avoid unintended pregnancies,
2. It reduces the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and
3. By addressing the problem of STDs, it helps reduce rates of infertility.
Couples who are able to plan their families experience less physical, emotional and financial strain; have more time and energy for personal and family development; and have more economic opportunities.

Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy (HTSP):
HTSP is an intervention to help women and families delay or space their pregnancies in order to achieve the healthiest health outcomes of women and children.
· Delay the age of marriage and the first pregnancy of a woman, at least till she attain 18 years of age
· After a delivery, delay the next pregnancy by at least 2 years but not more than 5 years
· After an abortion, plan for the next pregnancy only after 6 months

This intervention will ensure the woman to be physically and emotional matured and ready for her first and subsequent pregnancies.

Post-Partum and Post-Abortion Family Planning:
Inadequate spacing between two pregnancies results in poor mother and child’s health outcomes. Therefore, a woman should be encouraged to utilise appropriate family planning method before her next pregnancy.

Male participation in Family Planning:
It is important to counsel and involve men in the process of Family Planning, since:
· Men are the final decision makers in many families
· Men will know how to protect their health, their wives’ and children’s health
· Men need to support their wives’ use of Family Planning methods or in some cases, they themselves can use Family Planning methods
· Men usually have less information, misconceptions and concerns about Family Planning methods so their counselling and participation is important

The Population Stabilisation Fortnight (JansankhyaSthirtaPakhwada) will be held from 11th to 24th July 2022 in all the health centres of our district. All couples who want to know more about Family Planning and avail appropriate services for free can get in contact with the doctors and nurses at your nearest health centre.


District Programme Management Unit
NRHM, Mokokchung


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