The Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) on Sunday admonished the Naga Political Groups (NPGs) and Naga civil organizations (NCOs) to “put an end to all violent rhetoric of words, actions, statements, etc., with immediacy.”

The FNR also called for honoring the Covenant of Reconciliation (CoR) in toto, as resolved by the Nagas. It stated that dishonoring the CoR would not only disregard the people’s wishes but also signify a rejection of divine guidance.

“To dishonour CoR will mean obliterating the wishes of the people and, more importantly, saying ‘No’ to God,” the FNR said.

The FNR’s statement stressed on the importance of moving beyond self-justification, urging NPGs and NCOs to recognize that the public sees their true nature.

“Naga nationalism is far more profound and sacred than economic struggles. This perspective prioritizes national identity over economic concerns alone,” FNR said.

It called upon NPGs and NCOs to engage in critical and analytical reflection “within the family, the surrounding neighbors and the present global political makings,” cautioning against the dangers of internal divisions while neglecting external matters in the geopolitical landscape.

“While Nagas are intoxicated by the things within, the unattended urgent matters outside of us in the surrounding landscape and the geopolitics cannot be allowed to live in vacuum,” it stated.

FNR further said that imagining that one group can neutralize others by sanctioning ultimatums is a grave political fallacy. “Any form of venomous words to our own is to delude oneself,” it added.

FNR reiterated its call for breaking free from “being miserably caged in” by internal perceptions and self-justification, as the public “sees through and through who we are.”

It further said that the image of interdependency and cooperation is the model in global politics today.

“Can Nagas not think of our viability within the larger process of democratic “independence” without erasing the “Historical and Political Rights of the Nagas.” Let us act upon this without delay,” FNR said.


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