Beloved leaders and members of Indigenous Naga tribes of Nagaland and in other states. It is time to be as blunt as possible and call a spade a spade. There is no pride in running away from reality. We hope our dear Naga brothers and sisters in Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh and Assam will take this statement in the right spirit.
On 6th April 2022, the IM group issued a statement implying solution with NNPGs would invite another era of bloodshed in Nagaland. Such threats to tribes of Nagaland, who have seen enough innocent blood spilled in the name of sovereignty, is unforgivable. We do not forget easily hundreds of innocent fathers and sons whisked away at gunpoint, blindfolded, are still untraced. Only desperate lunatics and blood thirsty bandits would continue to talk of bloodshed. To them we say this, it is the Naga people themselves who have partnered WC,NNPGs in the talks, and are demanding and ready to usher in honorable acceptable solution. There will not be another era of bloodshed!
What has IM group gained by killing thousands of Nagas and non-Naga communities in many decades?
The cowardly killing of unarmed Gen. Povezo D Soho, Dy. C-in-C, Naga Army, on 20th June 1995, prompted the fiercely patriotic Chakhesang tribe to serve quit notice to Tangkhuls in Chakhesang Region, unrevoked till date. In Konyak Region the merciless act of few in the past led to exodus of peace loving Tangkhul families from Konyak soil. In Dimapur, the public anger against high handed IM members became an uncontrollable inferno when a local auto driver was beaten up, leading to irate Naga public burning Wungram Tangkhul colony in Dimapur on April 22, 2007.
The Mukalimi incident on 21st Dec. 2013, where passengers were harassed and molested, leading to Sumi people burning down Mukalimi camp. The simple fact is, Mao Zedong’s political ideology on land and its people and his communist phrase “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun” will not work in Nagaland. No community can ever impose its will over another through brutal methods. No community can live in isolation because of the wrongs of few barbaric members. That will be abject surrender to evil.
During the time of NNC, it was a free will donation of all freedom loving Nagas to contribute to the Naga freedom movement. The question we ask is, after 1988, who introduced rampant killing, kidnapping for ransom, demand at gunpoint, percentage cut in contract works, percentage demand from govt. departments and employees, scuttling public works etc. in Nagaland state?
Everything is fresh in the people’s memory. Theirs was a criminal intent from the very beginning and it became a huge profiteering enterprise on the pretext of Naga nationalism. Till today it is their only business. They fear that with the arrival of Naga solution, their embezzlement of Nagaland’s wealth will end and rightly so it must.
The money minting Southern Naga IM leaders know that the democratic conventions and age old values of Naga customary procedures on land and resources, do not give them right over our mountains, plains and rivers and that is exactly why V.S Atem in 2019 openly declared, “Nagaland will cease to exist” they attempted Nationalisation of lakes, mountains, rivers, mineral belts etc. in Nagaland to seize them as mafioso policy since by legal route they cannot own an inch of Nagaland. How will we face our pioneers without setting things straight as they dreamt?
Successive Naga Chief ministers in Manipur have vowed to protect every inch of it. Be it ReishangKeishing or YangmasoShaiza, they lived and died for Manipur’s territorial integrity. When Mr. M.L Kapaniwas chiefcommisioner of Manipur, he invited Naga elders of Manipur to Ukhrul to meet Nagaland Minister Chiten Jamir, who was sent there to ask if they would join Nagaland state. Manipur Nagas decided to remain in Manipur. As it is, today those Nagas stationed at Hebron Camp are mostly guests from Manipur state. They and their children belong to Manipur state govt., enjoying political and administrative rights like any citizen. Is it their birthright to plant the other feet in Nagaland as well, through consent or by bloodshed? We say no to both. They have proven themselves, by choice, that they cannot integrate physically to Nagaland state.
Th.Muivah on 29th Feb.2012 FNR meet, at Agri Expo grounds Dimapur, clearly defined his position and that of all Nagas in Manipur, to the people, that sovereignty is not possible at this stage and Naga integration was out of question. By this, they have failed to prove themselves to the people of Nagaland. Their loyalty, social and cultural positions, have always been inclined towards Manipur state. Now, what right have they to talk about Naga sovereignty or integration? When Naga Chief Ministers in Manipur repeatedly passed resolution that they will not cede an inch of Manipur territory to Nagaland, must Nagas of Nagaland surrender all their rivers and valleys to southern Naga IM leaders? God forbid. Nagas will live by reality and not by illusion.
When they cannot free themselves physically, emotionally, politically, socially and culturally from Manipur state, where is the moral authority to claim legitimacy over Naga political matter, let alone flag or constitution? When they are all political children of Manipur state, in words and action, involving aggressively neck deep dripping with cash, attempting to install their kith and kin as in recent Manipur Legislative Assembly elections, who are they to accuse the sons of the soil of Nagaland as traitors or anti-Naga and threaten with bloodshed? How can the interlopers, who are slaves in their own native place, call natives of another place as traitors and threaten with death and destruction? It is against the law of nature and history.
Nagas of Nagaland, in the last quarter of a century, from 1997 to 3rd August 2015, again stretching to 31st October 2019, have been lied to and prevented from having full access to what was negotiated with GoI about their land and future political existence.The basic fundamental questions remain unanswered. NSCN IM’s FA mentioned Indo-Naga political conflict as about six decades. They wisely disassociated themselves from 1918,1929, 1947, 1951 Naga political activities and events. The authors of FA wilfully uprooted the pillars entrenched by our pioneers. Appropriately for them Naga struggle began after 1955, southern Nagas joined the Indo-Naga struggle after Nagaland statehood.
There is a strong indication that Southern Naga IM leaders and followers do not wish to go back to native villages post political solution, and are expressing profound wish to settle in and around Intangki national reserve forest. They have purchased enough farmlands with Naga people’s hard earned money and had roped in few state politicians to campaign on their behalf to ensure its inclusion in Agreement with GoI as rehabilitation package. During the negotiations in 2019, WC, NNPGs strongly cautioned former GoI interlocutor Mr. RN Ravi that such demands, if true, will never be acceptable to indigenous Nagas of Nagaland.
This means all National workers, irrespective of rank and status, must return to their native towns and villages post solution. Just as late Chairman Isak ChishiSwu and those before him, all aged Naga leaders deserve to live out the remaining years gracefully as true sons of the soil and must merge with dust, wind and rain of one’s own birthplace. WC, NNPGs have negotiated and ensured ample political and administrative space in Naga areas outside present Nagaland. This is the only realistic way for Nagas to co-exist in our vast homeland.
Nagaland has experienced enough trials and tribulations in the last three decades and has understood what is best for all Nagas.The lessons learnt is an eye opener. Since physical integration is not possible now, the future generations must pursue reintegration with higher vision. In the meantime, one’s own house must be built with one’s own sweat, wood, straw and stones. To insist that Nagaland state belongs to all Nagas, north, south, east or west is sheer stupidity and unacceptable.
We do not, in any way, condemn or implicate entire Tangkhul tribe or entire southern Nagas either in Nagaland, Manipur or anywhere. The statement is to shed light on ground reality, reflecting the events of the past, to tell those threatening Nagas with a new era of bloodshed in Nagaland, to know one’s own place.
The GoI will do well to recall that Nagaland tribes are the supreme lawmakers or law breakers in their own land. Their political sense on land is keenly reflected for centuries. Beyond Naga civility and inborn decency, no outsider dare trespass and cut a blade of grass in their territory. “Agreed Position” calmed the nerves of Nagas. Interlocutor Mr. R.N Ravi admitted that Nagas have strong political foundation and basis to pursue right to self-determination. Agreeing that solution will be worked out basing on contemporary political realities, the delay is breeding anti-social elements in Nagaland. It is time for GoI to take the call.
Also read: Was the Indo-Naga talk really concluded on 31st October, 2019?
Today, the sixty elected members of Nagaland Legislative Assembly, representing sixty constituencies of Nagaland, must take a public stand. Enough consultations with Nagaland tribes, civil societies and Naga negotiating groups have taken place. There has been a number of committees and platforms to facilitate and assist the negotiators.
Despite the best efforts, the stalemate persists. To the misfortune of Nagas, all politicians are blessed, or rather cursed, with three tongues. One for themselves, the other for their party and the third for their future.
Former Governor R.N Ravi announced in the floor of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly on 17th Jan. 2020 that negotiations have concluded. Has the facilitator become a political harlot, in the arms of anti-solution elements? The 2018 election slogan of “Election for Solution” cannot be repeated in any manner. We will not accept a recycled slogan. The wilful collective betrayal by political parties will naturally lead to serious repercussions.
WC, NNPGs will take appropriate decision at an appropriate time. The treachery and deceit against the people of Nagaland have a price to pay. The current oppositionless government and its predecessors, at every opportunity, claim they are prepared to pave the way for Naga solution. God in Heaven knows what transpires once they land in New Delhi. They are elected by electorates of Nagaland, and not by Manipur Nagas, Arunachal Nagas or Assam Nagas. They represent the people of Nagaland alone and no other state. We acknowledge the desire of the elected representatives to give a final push to usher in solution by forming an oppositionless government.
On 1st April 2022, the state Chief Minister Mr. Neiphiu Rio and oppositionless UDA Chairman Mr. T.R Zealiang reaffirmed to WC, NNPGs of their commitment to Naga people that they were ready to pave the way for solution. Now, with a five-year tenure slated to end in months, we believe it will be in the interest of Naga people to translate words into action.
Our great hope in the days ahead is that the august house and members of NLA collectively will look at new direction, as primary stakeholders for the future, will put in papers en-masse, to enable an inclusive transitional arrangement for implementation of the Indo-Naga Agreement, for an enduring peaceful coexistence.
This, we believe, will be a practical stance to prove who are, and who are not, for honorable and acceptable future of our children and grandchildren. We all must seek the Lord’s wisdom.
The late Prime Minister of India Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru described the status of Nagaland on August 19, 1946, in connection with the proposed British Colony of Couplan Plan, as; “ The tribal areas are defined as being those long frontier of India which are neither part of India nor of Burma, nor of Indian states nor of any foreign power”
History is clear. It was not heavily armed Naga soldiers who staged a walkout at Kohima ground on 30th March 1953, much to the astonishment of Indian Prime Minister Nehru and his Burmese counterpart U-Nu, who had to address empty seats. The evaporated audience were plain everyday village folks who came to listen and wanted to be listened to. They were disallowed from airing their grievances to the leaders. The spontaneous walkout was a Naga way of conveying, “It is our land, not India’s or Burma’s, leave us”. In the months ahead a miffed Nehru flooded Nagaland with Indian Army.
By early 1954, the simple village boys and farmers had galvanized themselves into fearless warriors, unbeatable Naga Army, ambushing mighty Indian forces at will. Today, the very sensitive Nagas await Prime Minister Modi’s sincere assurance to solve the Naga issue. If co-existence, respecting each other’s history and right, as declared, in “Agreed Position” is devalued, WC, NNPGs will have no option but to call upon the Naga tribes for public reiteration and reaffirmation of MAY 16, 1951 PLEBICITE for NAGA INDEPENDENCE.
This is the original position of the Nagas. Gandhian principle of Non-violence or AHIMSA did not say India must remain free and peaceful while small nations like Nagaland be crushed and suppressed for another thousand years. Honorable and acceptable Naga solution is paramount. The wisdom of Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi will matter most in the coming days.
Hurting the Naga sentiment is insulting the core Naga pride and this should not happen again in our lifetime.
WC, NNPGs was clear that the only key to a logical political solution is an honest and practical dialogue by way of consultation within the Naga tribes, civil societies and intellectuals, then negotiate with the Government of India (GoI), based on Naga history and right. Though an excruciatingly painful and suspicious exercise in a highly fragmented Naga society, we proposed and promised transparency and honesty before God and our people. We pledged the same within WC. This was our guiding principle and light. Along the way neighbouring communities, deeply wounded by IM group in the past, responded positively to NNPGs position on Indo-Naga talks. India’s political leadership too acknowledged the importance of tribal Hohos and GBs, the voice of village elders, intellectual groups, former parliamentarians and retired bureaucrats. The less said the better for some remote controlled floating organisations and forums marketing IMs cosmetics.
WC, NNPGs solidarity towards struggling peoples and nations around the globe will continue, however, as a responsible negotiating entity, it goes against the spirit of political talks to indulge in veiled threats and actions, inviting friendly non-state actors to speak the language of violence in Naga soil. We aim to restore Naga identity and history through negotiations and unless forced to respond in defense of our people and land, we believe violence will not solve political issues. We respect Khalistani and Tamil peoples’ aspirations but at this crucial juncture, Naga people wants more of GoI leadership, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah, to show sincerity and fulfil commitment given to the Nagas.
Today, NSCN IM says NNPGs Status Paper is a re-edited version of Sixteen Point Agreement of 26th July, 1960, calling it treachery, betrayal for which they will not be a part of. They informed GoI and WC, NNPGs to go ahead and sign the agreement without them. Incidentally, this is the same group which earlier tried to spread word through their network saying Status Paper of NNPGs is plagiarized GoI-IM document. Factually, Sixteen point Agreement and all preceding Indo-Naga political agreements took place long before their entry and enrolment to the Naga political struggle, right or wrong it is not theirs to adjudicate. Is it in their DNA to condemn all Naga issue related agreements except those signed by Mr. Th. Muivah?
If Sixteen Point Agreement is a treachery, in Twenty five years of ceasefire and talks, what have they given the Nagas? Let NSCN IM first condemn Ralengnao ‘Bob’ Khathing Tangkhul (1912-1990), an Indian politician, for his role as a drafting committee member on Sixteen Point Agreement. Let NSCN IM first condemn Rungsang Suisa Tangkhul (1907-1971), an Indian politician, for the treachery and betrayal with his ‘Suisa Proposal’. Selective condemnations, attacks on distinguished personalities of Nagaland state cannot go on. We do not intend to destroy Nagaland nor allow others to do so with guns. Naga National principle has been misused as a licence to kill all those who offer sane advice. Naga vision is higher than this. We cannot surrender to a sinister policy at play. We believe our southern Naga brothers and sisters in Manipur, also from present Nagaland state enrolled at Hebron Camp, although many given top assignments, too understands how and why solution has eluded Nagas till date.
Southern Naga IM leaders enjoy Indian elections to the hilt, participating and propping up their kith and kin unabashedly. They squeeze and thwart Nagaland’s economic progress, feeling no shame, pain or remorse. In Manipur Naga districts, they do so with greater power, control and aggression. Actually, are they not enjoying the fruit of Sixteen Point Agreement from Hebron camp? Peel, flesh and seed of the very agreement they swallow, yet condemn! Where is the Naga national principle? In their agreed 2011 Ceasefire ground rules copy, there is a clause which says the CF agreement will, in no way, disturb the territorial integrity of Manipur state. The Leadership have repeatedly admitted that whatever negotiations they have concluded and any agreement between them and GOI will be within Indian constitution.
Further, in many consultations with state Govt. Mr. Th. Muivah has agreed that all mutually agreed competencies must be incorporated in the Indian constitution lest GoI backtract on her commitment as in the past. It would be fair for them to produce the draft of their so-called Yehzabo (constitution) whether they plan to use it in Manipur or elsewhere. Let them also reveal the agreed proposals, the political structure, the blueprint of utilization of tribal Naga lands and its resources, without which, “Sharing of sovereign power” is too loose a term having forfeited Integration.
Overwhelming number of IM leaders and followers are under geography and population of Manipur state and it will remain so as per their desire. This truth too will not be brushed aside. Nagaland state on the other hand, as a federating state, already is endowed with distinct sovereign power over land and resources, customary laws and traditions etc. The “Agreed Position”, reaffirmed and reinvigorated historical, political and administrative vacuum and loopholes inherited from past agreements and will remove all impediments in the future.
Realistically, unless the whole southern Naga populace, physically led by Manipur Naga elected representatives at all levels, bureaucrats, tribal bodies, civil societies etc. declare publicly, openly and unequivocally, either peacefully or violently, exhibit a mass movement and come forward to integrate with present Nagaland state and tribes, the philosophical and sentimental narrative and desire for integration is a mere tool for economic and political benefits of the few. Nagas of Nagaland can only do so much unless southern Nagas get down and dirty and not the other way around. We cannot play accommodative sentimental politics anymore. We must create a practical and pragmatic political and social structure an environment for younger Naga generations. The world will neither wait for impractical Nagas nor sleepwalking Nagas.
On WC’s “AGREED POSITION” signed with GoI on 17th Nov. 2017, and subsequent status paper now with the people, today we want to convey to IM leaders loud and clear that it is a judiciously consulted document of Naga tribes and intellectuals, an unprecedented transparent position for Nagas in Nagaland, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh and Assam, also duly briefed and in the knowledge of our neighbouring communities. WC, NNPGs, as a Naga entity, has concluded talks with GoI and if IM Negotiators feel dissatisfied on any issue, they, as another Naga entity in dialogue, may approach GoI and air their displeasure and not point finger at WC,NNPGs. IM talked with GoI trusting their own philosophy while WC simply sought the advice of Naga tribes, apex civil bodies, intellectuals, heard them out and collected their views and formulated the people’s demand and negotiated with GoI. We believe, this time, WC, NNPGs have not failed the Nagas anywhere.
ZHOPRA VERO Co-Convener, WC.
Y. WANGTIN NAGA Co-Convener, WC.
ISAK SUMI Co-Convener, WC.