Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA) Mokokchung, Chuchuyimlang Block, conducted a Capacity Building cum Demonstration program at Yaongyimti Old Village on 18th April, 2022.


Capacity Building on “Oyster Mushroom Cultivation” was imparted by Tangit Longkumer, ATM wherein he discussed on the agro-climatic requirements, substrate preparation, management and harvesting for oyster mushroom cultivation. Further, hands-on step by step demonstration on oyster mushroom cultivation was done.


Resource person, Chubaienla Jamir, ATM conducted a field demonstration on “Cultivation practices of Bitter Gourd”. She briefed the farmers on various package of practices of bitter gourd and highlighted on the important pest and diseases of bitter gourd and their control measures.


Altogether, 21 farmers attended the program. Oyster mushroom spawn, seeds and farm tools were distributed to the farmers.


ATMA Kobulong Block, Mokokchung conducted a demonstration on inter cropping of maize with cowpea on 18th April 2022 at Longpa village with Moanaro, Assistant Technology Manager, ATMA as the resource person. She mentioned that maize is a heavy feeder of soil nitrogen whereas cowpea are legumes means able to increase soil nitrogen by biologically extracting nitrogen from the air, termed nitrogen fixation; so, for marginal farmers, intercropping of maize and cowpea is a good option to increase soil nitrogen and agricultural productivity in their farm.


The resource person elaborated on the choice of crop species, density of planting, planting geometry, time of planting and maturity of the crops. Later, field demonstration on land preparation, sowing method, and disease management was carried out by the resource person and also deliberated on the identification and management strategies for Fall Army Worm (FAW) in maize.
At the end of the program, there was an interactive session. Free maize seeds, cowpea seeds, Neemoil and Roban provided by District Agriculture Office, Mokokchung were distributed to the farmers. Altogether 15 farmers attended the program.


ATMA, Kobulong Block Mokokchung conducted a capacity building program on cultivation technology of oyster mushroom for Farmer Interest Groups (FIGs)/Commodity Interest Groups (CIGs) on 18th April 2022 at Longpa village where Nuksungingla Jamir, Assistant Technology Manager, ATMA imparted hands-on training on methods of cultivation of oyster mushroom such as selection of substrate, different methods of sterilization, substrate preparation, inoculation of spawn and maintenance of cropping room. She also encouraged the farmers to make use of the paddy straw as the substrate for mushroom cultivation instead of leaving as a waste to the environment.


The farmers were also enlightened on its economic importance and its various health benefits. She also encouraged the participants to take up mushroom cultivation as it is cultivable throughout the year and can help them to boost the economy.
Later, mushroom spawns and polybags were distributed to the participants. Altogether 14 participants from four FIGs/CIGs attended the program.



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