As part of the various ongoing programs held across the state to commemorate the 78th Indian Independence Day, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Nagaland State paid tribute to Lt. Captain Niekezhakou Kengüruse at his graveyard in Nerhema Village, Kohima, on 14 August 2024.

BJP Nagaland
The program was attended by Anil K Antony, National Secretary & Spokesperson and Prabhari In-charge of Nagaland; Temjen Imna Along, Minister for Higher Education and Tourism, GoN; state officials; members of the State Social Media and IT Cell; the Kohima District President and colleagues; and senior party leaders. The team also visited the War Memorial Museum and interacted with the family members of the war hero, Lt. Captain Niekezhakou Kengüruse.

Simultaneously, in Dimapur, BJP Nagaland conducted a ‘Partition Horrors Remembrance Day’ at the BJP District Office. The event was addressed by State President Benjamin Yepthomi, State Prabhari & National Secretary & Spokesperson Anil K Antony, and Minister Jacob Zhimomi. A subsequent ‘Silent March’ was also held in remembrance of the sufferings of the Indian people during the partition period, as part of the events being held across the state to commemorate the 78th Independence Day.


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