In a world brimming with challenges, the role of knowledge and the ability to think critically cannot be overstated. Nagaland’s Advisor, Kudecho Khamo, recently underlined the importance of harnessing our intellectual resources for the greater good during the inaugural program of the International Conference on Rethinking Economic Development in India, held at Nagaland University. Khamo’s message is not confined to a single event but resonates globally. In an era where knowledge is power, the ability to think, innovate, and analyze is akin to having a valuable form of capital. It is a currency that transcends borders and has the potential to transform societies.

The Advisor’s emphasis on academia, researchers, and think-tank leaders as critical drivers of societal progress is noteworthy. Their role in evaluating resources and shaping a clear roadmap for economic development cannot be overstated. Research, planning, and analysis form the foundation upon which prosperous nations are built. Vision, backed by detailed facts and figures, is a fundamental driver of progress. Nagaland has been lacking this sorely. Without these elements, it becomes challenging to lead or direct an economy effectively.

Khamo’s concern about economic gaps and unemployment in Nagaland mirrors challenges faced by many regions worldwide. His stress on the need for innovative thinking and fostering entrepreneurship among the youth is a compelling message that calls for an overhaul of traditional educational paradigms that often emphasize job-seeking over job creation. Unemployment is a major concern for Nagaland today as shared by T Yimlikhumzuk Sangtam, District Employment Officer (DEO), Mokokchung. According to the DEO, there are more than seventy thousand individuals seeking employment opportunities as per the latest statistics on unemployment in Nagaland as of June 2023.

The prevailing sentiment of relying solely on government jobs for livelihood and success is a familiar one in Nagaland. Khamo’s call for open-mindedness, confidence, and competence among economics scholars and students is a refreshing departure from this status quo. It urges the younger generation to take a proactive stance and be contributors to society rather than mere beneficiaries.

His message is a reminder that knowledge and the capacity to think are invaluable resources, yet they remain underutilized in Nagaland. By shifting our collective mindset to prioritize innovative thinking and entrepreneurship, we can pave the way for positive change. In a rapidly evolving world, our most valuable assets are the intellectual ones. Truly, the power of knowledge and critical thinking has to be unleashed for the betterment of all.

However, the potential Khamo sees in Nagaland, where organic agricultural products and tourism could thrive, is not unique to this region. Every corner of the globe possesses unique assets and opportunities that can be harnessed through entrepreneurship. Ultimately, what truly counts is the unwavering entrepreneurial spirit of the people in any given region, those whose indomitable drive knows no bounds, who seizes the limitless opportunities with determination and willpower.

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