Just three days ago, this column opined that the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict has captured the attention of many Naga individuals in the wake of Hamas’ attack on Israel and that it appears not everyone possesses a clear understanding of this complex issue. However, it was least expected that the Deputy CM of Nagaland would be one of them. In his attempt to wade into the Israel-Palestine social media saga, Patton found himself in a bit of a geographical pickle while sharing his opinion on the conflict on X.

In an effort to align with his party BJP’s stance, Deputy CM Patton labeled the Congress party as “anti-Christian” and linked this stance to Israel, which he referred to as a “Christian country.” The problem was, Israel is not a “Christian country.” He did delete the post after the gaffe, and in his revised statement, Patton decided to go interfaith – making it clear that regardless of your religious preferences, it’s probably not a good idea to side with terrorists. Wise words, Deputy CM, but it was too late – the internet never forgets.

It’s worth noting that by the time Patton issued his revised statement, the Modi government had already shifted its position on the Israel-Hamas conflict, aligning with India’s long-standing policy of supporting direct negotiations toward a “sovereign, independent, and viable state of Palestine living within secure and recognized borders, side by side, at peace with Israel.” As opined on 11 October in this column, it all boils down to geopolitics.

A few years back, a delightful mix-up unfolded when some Israeli tourists visited Nagaland during the Hornbill Festival. These adventurous travelers had witnessed the grandeur of Kisama’s festivities and decided to venture further into the heart of Nagaland. Naturally, they were camping in a village for a night – the real Nagaland is the village, after all. Knowing the tourists hailed from Israel, the villagers were determined to offer their renowned Naga hospitality – a bonfire was lit, the tourists were seated around it, and warm tea was served.

The pious villagers, eager to entertain their Israeli guests, decided to serenade them with Christian hymns. You see, much like Deputy CM Patton, the villagers mistakenly assumed that all Israelis were part of the Christian choir. It was a harmonious, albeit amusing, musical mix-up of biblical proportions! Fortunately, the villagers did not post it on X.

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