Independent candidate in the recently held Nagaland Lok Sabha election 2024, Hayithung Bill Lotha, conceded defeat in Nagaland’s Lok Sabha election 2024. Despite this being his second consecutive loss since 2019, Lotha said today in a press statement that he remains undeterred in his political ambitions, reaffirming his commitment to democratic participation.

Lotha expressed gratitude to his supporters and well-wishers, acknowledging the backing he received during his campaign. He extended his appreciation to the media for their extensive coverage, which he believes played a crucial role in his electoral journey.

Lotha congratulated S Supongmeren Jamir on his historic victory, describing it as unprecedented in Nagaland’s Lok Sabha election history since the state’s inception in 1963. He noted that Jamir’s win was a significant defeat for the ruling PDA, despite their strength of 60 MLAs. Lotha praised Jamir, nicknamed “Superman Supongmeren,” and wished him success as a Lok Sabha MP, hoping he will prioritize the interests and aspirations of Nagaland.

Lotha also commended fellow candidate Dr Chumben Murry of the PDA for his energetic campaign, wishing him well in future endeavors.

Lotha also resolved and reaffirmed to wholeheartedly work for the fulfillment of the ENPO’s FNT demand in future days/years to come as he had done during the Lok Sabha polls. He urged ENPO to realize that in a democratic country like India the ultimate ‘power play’ is as per the result of the Lok Sabha polls.

“It must learn a lesson from the current 18th Lok Sabha fractured mandate wherein even small regional parties to the extent of 1 or 2 Lok Sabha MPs have the power to ‘aggressively dictate terms’ to a big party like BJP,” he emphasized.

Lotha pointed out that had ENPO voted and elected their own FNT inclined Lok Sabha MP from Nagaland, the ENPO would have had a ‘strong bargaining power’ through the formation of a friendly central government whichever bloc it may be, thereby achieving the FNT dream in reality.

Lotha reiterated his dedication to the ENPO’s FNT demand and urged the organization to recognize the crucial role of electoral participation in achieving their goals. He believed that a politically indebted Prime Minister is key to realizing the FNT dream.

Mokokchung Times

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