The Kuki National Army-Burma (KNA-B) has firmly denied allegations made by the National Socialist Council of Nagalim (NSCN-IM) that their late Lieutenant Sentilong Jamir was captured and tortured by KNA-B. In a press statement, KNA-B labeled the claims as “fabricated” and suggested that they were intended to incite the Ao community in Nagaland against the Kuki community.

KNA-B emphasized their alignment with the Democratic Alliance Army under the National Unity Government (NUG), a pro-democratic government in exile. They clarified that KNA-B does not conduct military operations independently. The recent Operation Myothit, which occurred from morning of May 7 to May 11, was a joint effort between KNA-B and the People’s Defense Force (PDF) under the unified command of Military Operation Region-1.

The KNAB explained how it is difficult to know the identity of the opponents during intense fighting in the battlefield. They noted that identification typically occurs during interrogations of captured individuals or through documents recovered on deceased combatants. Reiterating their fight in Myanmar for reinstating democratic principles and values, and the Democratic Alliance Army, the KNAB said that they “respect lives” including the lives of their opponents. Therefore, they said, they do not harm any of them who surrendered or are captured alive.

“This is the reason why many members of the military Junta’s army or police surrendered to us at Myothit,” it added.

The KNAB further appealed to all the informed people of Nagaland not to fall victims to this sort of NSCN-IM’s “cheap propaganda” but maintain peace and tranquility in Nagaland for Christ sake.

The KNA-B as part of Democratic Alliance Army under the Unified Command of Military Operation Region-1 reiterated their stand, which is resolute, for restoration of democracy in Myanmar.

“Upholding human rights even of our opponents being part and parcel of our commitment to reinstate democratic form of government in Myanmar, we maintain the principles of humanitarian law, military necessity, proportionality, humanity, and honor. Therefore, if late Lieutenant Sentilong Jamir, a resident of Nagaland (India) is a victim of the operation Myothit as stated by NSCN-IM, KNA-B on behalf of the Democratic Alliance Army sincerely expressed our condolence to the bereaved family. The KNA-B has nothing against him either as an individual or as a member of NSCN-IM,” it added.

Appeals NSCN-IM not to take shelter in Military Junta army camps

In the statement addressing the recent allegations regarding the death of NSCN-IM Lieutenant Sentilong Jamir, the KNA-B also made an appeal to the NSCN-IM not to take shelter in the army camps of military Junta of Myanmar especially during operations launched by the Democratic Alliance Army. The KNA (B) instead asked them to extend support to the NSCN-Hanshi group who are part of the pro-democracy movement in Myanmar.

“As fellow Christians, we also appeal to the NSCN-IM not to mislead the Naga people of India with cheap propaganda to instigate, incite, create violence on communal lines on the basis of military operations launched by the pro-democratic forces in Myanmar,” the statement read.

The KNAB explained how ever since February 1, 2021, when the Myanmar military (or Tatmadaw) launched a coup against the civilian government, declaring the results of the November 2020 general election invalid, instating a one-year state of emergency, and arresting State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and other senior officials, the entire country, including peripheral areas, has been in turmoil.

“The whole world understands how the general public across ethnic lines felt shocked and reacted to the military’s nightmarish actions, which have shattered the people’s progress and future,” it said.

Nothing to do with the violence in Manipur: KNA(B)

The Kuki National Army-Burma (KNA-B) has strongly refuted allegations from the NSCN-IM that they are involved in the ongoing violence in Manipur. KNA-B emphasized that their primary focus remains on restoring democracy in Myanmar, calling the repeated accusations by the NSCN-IM “unfortunate.”

KNA-B stated, “While KNA-B is busy mobilizing our limited resources amidst the chaos, putting all efforts to restore democracy in Myanmar, we are in dire need of assistance from both within and outside our country. It is unfortunate that we have been accused time and again by NSCN-IM of being used by the Indian army to create violence in Manipur.”

“Would someone whose house is burning and is intensely engaged in fire fighting to save his property abandon halfway for some frivolous job not related to him? It is as simple as that. So, KNA-B has nothing to do with the violence in Manipur,” it stated.

They further clarified that the real culprits of unrest in Manipur are the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and United National Liberation Front (UNLF) of Manipur. According to KNA-B, these groups are taking shelter in Myanmar and are actively working against the pro-democracy movement by burning houses, laying landmines, looting properties, and committing human rights violations.

“This will leave an indelible mark down the history that will shape the Meltei-Myanmar relationship,” it said.

KNA-B also questioned the logic behind NSCN-IM’s support for Meitei militants and the Myanmar military junta, given their claims about human rights violations against the Naga people.

While thanking the general public of India, including the Naga people for their support for democracy in Myanmar, the KNAB urged the public to be vigilant and not to be carried away by cheap propaganda adding that the KNA-B may not be able to respond to or clarify every unfounded allegation against their organization in the future.

The KNA-B thanked the international community including India, for humanitarian assistance provided to the people of Myanmar who suffered but for the cause of democracy.

RELATED NEWS: NSCN-IM condemns Indian Government’s alleged proxy war tactics 

Mokokchung Times

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