Landslide damages house in Ungma Village; owner safely burns house to avert potential threats

2023-07-24 | 02:36h
2023-07-24 | 02:37h

A landslide struck Lozutangkang Sector, Ungma Village on 22 July, causing significant damage to a house. Prompt action by the residents, well-wishers, and the Mokokchung District Administration averted potential dangers, leading to the deliberate burning of the house for safety purposes. No casualties have been reported in the incident.



The calamity began with the residents noticing small cracks “about the size of a matchstick” outside the house Saturday morning. As the day progressed, the cracks on the concrete floor and foundation of the house rapidly expanded to approximately 4-5 inches by late afternoon.




The residents, with the assistance of their well-wishers and neighbors, decided to evacuate the house and salvage their belongings. Despite their efforts, only half of the commodities and furniture could be safely retrieved before the situation worsened, according to the owner of the house. The house collapsed later in the evening.


The looming threat escalated with torrential rainfall in the evening, further exacerbating the landslide risk. Compounding the concern was the fact that the house was situated above National Highway-2, heightening the potential danger of accidents if the house were to collapse onto the road.



In response to the looming hazard, the Mokokchung District Administration instructed the house’s owner to deliberately set the house on fire as a safety measure to avert potential threats to passing vehicles on the National Highway below the house.


On Sunday, around 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm, the house was deliberately set ablaze.



According to the owner, the damage caused by the landslide and subsequent fire is estimated to be worth approximately 20-30 lakhs in property and belongings.


It may be mentioned here that earth-cutting work is currently ongoing on the National Highway-2.


Mokokchung Times


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