Mokokchung, 3 February (MTNews): Nagaland Women Sepaktakraw players representing Indian women’s team won two Gold Medals at the South Asian Sepaktakraw Championships held at Kathmandu.

Sepaktakraw Nagaland
The players include Sezovelu Dozo, Seyiekhrienuo Tepa, Rukuvinu Tsukru and Menenu Tsukru with coach Holshe Khrieo. Congratulating the women’s team, for the laurels, Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio said it is a proud moment for Nagaland to have four athletes and a coach in the team. Rio said, their remarkable success inspire everyone and have made Nagaland and India proud.

Advisor to Chief Minister and Secretary General, Nagaland Olympic Association, Abu Metha as well as the Nagaland Olympic Association has also congratulated the team, saying they have made India proud and Nagaland Shine.

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