Mokokchung, 8 February (MTNews): The Ongpangkong Arogo Tenzüker Telongjem (OATT) and the Mokokchung Town Ao Baptist Churches Mission (MTABCM) jointly organized a prayer fellowship for the 3 February MMC Shopping Complex fire victims today at the MMC complex. Full-time workers of the OATT and the MTABCM, MMC staff, affected business owners of the shops destroyed by the fire and well-wishers attended the fellowship.

MMC prayer
OATT and MTABCM on Thursday organized a prayer fellowship for the affected business owners of the MMC Shopping Complex fire accident of 3 February.

It may be mentioned here that a total of 62 shops, belonging to 59 owners, were completely destroyed in the fire. OATT and MTABCM as well collected a total of Rs 7,10,000 from their respective church members which was distributed to the affected owners today after the prayer fellowship.

OATT president Mar, OATT secretary Lemtila, MTABCM secretary Sentiyanger, Rev Nungshi, and Rev Temsuwati were the key participants of the prayer service while a representative of the affected shop owners also shared a word of gratitude. The OATT is formed by 33 churches while MTABCM has 10 churches under its umbrella.

All the shops that were destroyed by the fire belonged to native owners, most of whom are women.

Meanwhile, the entire block of the MMC Complex affected by the fire, including the vegetable stalls remain closed as a technical assessment of the building’s structural safety is awaited.

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