In response to the recent outcry from Mokokchung residents regarding lapses in waste management, the Mokokchung district administration has acted promptly to address the issue. Following reports published in this newspaper, officials conducted an inspection of the garbage collection points and promptly implemented strategies to alleviate the problem.

Photo of a garbage pile left unattended for over a week in Arkong Ward, Mokokchung town contributed to Mokokchung Times by concerned citizens on 14 January.

Chumlamo Humtsoe, Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) of Mokokchung, revealed to Mokokchung Times that, during discussions with his staff, he discovered that the town relies on only two trucks for garbage collection, operating on a rotation basis with a single daily visit. This results in certain collection points being serviced only every two days, exacerbating the accumulation of waste.

“To address this issue, we have decided to increase the frequency of garbage collection by implementing two trips per day. I issued an order today (16th January), so two trips of garbage collection will be undertaken. The garbage will be collected three days a week,” Humtsoe said.

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The ADC also recognized the challenges faced by the collection staff, who start their work as early as 5-6 am. He explained that when they collect and dispose of the waste, it is already late by the time they return for lunch. Therefore, they become reluctant to make a second trip.

“So, if they are going for the second trip, we have to provide a meal so that they don’t go home for lunch, but providing a meal becomes expensive. That is why we have decided that when they go for the extra trip, they will be given an extra allowance.”

In a bid to enhance waste disposal efficiency, the administration is also taking steps to distribute bins to all shops and dismantle existing garbage collection tanks. Humtsoe explained, “When these tanks are present, people dump waste at any time of the day. It is like we are sending invitations for people to dump garbage. Therefore, we plan to demolish them and provide bins to all shops.

This way, shopkeepers and establishments can dispose of their waste directly into the trucks during collection rounds.”

Mokokchung Times

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