The global dominance of English is undeniable, and its significance cannot be overstated. It is the lingua franca of business, science, diplomacy, and technology, extending far beyond its status as a means of communication; it serves as a gateway to opportunity, knowledge, and cultural exchange.

English facilitates communication across borders. In the realms of business and trade, proficiency in English is often a prerequisite for success, providing access to international markets and networks. In academia, English is the primary language of instruction and research, enabling scholars to share their findings with a global audience and fostering innovation and collaboration on a global scale.

Moreover, English opens doors to educational and professional opportunities, enhancing employability and career prospects. It also serves as a medium for cultural exchange, allowing people to share their traditions, stories, and experiences with the world. Through literature, film, music, and digital media, English facilitates cross-cultural understanding and fosters empathy and appreciation for diverse perspectives.

As the global language of communication, commerce, and culture, it plays a vital role in fostering connections, expanding opportunities, and enriching lives. Embracing English opens doors to a world of possibilities, empowering individuals to thrive in an increasingly interconnected global community.

In this respect, we are fortunate that the English language has been adopted as the official language in Nagaland. However, most of us struggle with writing and speaking English, despite being educated in the language.

Despite attending English medium schools and colleges, many struggle with grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary. There is an urgent need to address this problem. School teachers, in particular, must be proficient in the language to effectively teach students.

All teachers, both in schools and colleges, should be required to attend mandatory English orientation courses. Besides, educational institutions should establish English clubs to encourage language practice and proficiency. If English is the medium of instruction, proper usage of grammar and punctuation must be taught. There is everything to gain and nothing to lose in mastering the English language.

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