Mon, 16 April (MTNews): Subscribing to the Chen Moho resolution of Eastern Nagaland People’s Organization (ENPO) made on 23 February 2024, and the subsequent Konyak Union resolution of 23 March 2024, a total of 44 Ahngs of Konyak villages have pledged to abstain from participating in the upcoming 2024 MP election.

This, they said, has been done in protest against the failure of both the state and central governments to fulfill the promise of granting Frontier Nagaland Territory (FNT), as assured by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) to the ENPO.

“This unfulfilled commitment strikes at the heart of our trust in the governmental process and our collective aspirations,” the Ahngs stated in a ‘Pledge of Solidarity’ signed by all 44 of them.

As heads of their respective villages, and in solidarity with the ENPO’s call to abstain from voting, the Ahngs vowed to ensure the full abstention of their “subjects and people.” They emphasized that this action is a powerful testament to their “deep-seated resentment and protest against broken promises and unfulfilled obligations.”

Further, the Ahngs of Konyak villages pledged to abide by the resolutions of the ENPO and KU. Additionally, they affirmed their commitment to comply with directives from Konyak Civil Society Organizations to initiate actions against individuals or subjects failing to adhere to the ENPO and KU resolutions within their respective jurisdictions.

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