Naga Innovative Crafts, born out of a shared fascination with decoupage art, is a unique and creative endeavor led by Sashimen Aier and Tiajung Longkumer from Mokokchung Town. Decoupage art is a decorative technique involving the meticulous application of paper cutouts onto surfaces.

Sashimen Aier and Tiajung Longkumer

Their journey began when one of them stumbled upon an advertisement about decoupage, sparking an interest that led to taking a course on the craft. “We were inspired to create decoupage art after one of us came across an advertisement about decoupage and took a course on how to create the art,” they shared.

After mastering the basics of decoupage, Aier and Longkumer decided to join forces. “It was only after the learning portion was complete that our partnership was formed,” they said. According to them, the partnership made them bolder in venturing into a business that was uncertain, as decoupage isn’t very popular among the people in Mokokchung.

Despite their initial nervousness, their shared vision to bring something new and creative to their community helped them materialize their vision into Naga Innovative Crafts, a name chosen to reflect their commitment to innovative and “out of the box” ideas.

Understanding the challenges of gaining visibility as a new business, Aier and Longkumer decided to merge their venture with an existing Instagram presence, Ayoklar Emporium (@ayoklaremporium_nagainnovative). This strategic move helped them find an existing audience while showcasing their unique creations. “We work with the hope and prayer that one day, we would succeed and be able to minister to those in need through this venture.”

“Our aim is to create decoupage art on items that are both practical and aesthetically pleasing,” they said. Their current offerings include tea coasters, key hangers, frames, and key holders. While customizations are not available at present, they are optimistic about expanding their services as they grow.

“Customizations are not a thing for us at present as we are only starting up, but we believe that with time and support from people, we will soon be able to accept custom-made orders as well.”

At Naga Innovative Crafts, quality is paramount. Each piece is a labor of love, requiring significant time and patience. “Decoupage art is not an easy art. It takes much time and patience for us to complete a single set of tea coasters; but at the end of the day, it becomes all worth it when we see the outcome,” they shared.

Mokokchung Times

3 thoughts on “Sashimen and Tiajung crafts new wave with decoupage art”
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